Sponsored by The 7th Chamber: A woman from Congo, seven months pregnant, walks 27 kilometers to the doctor; cameraman can barely keep up with her.

What if you’re seven months pregnant and have to go to the doctor for a checkup, while living in, for example, the Democratic Republic of Congo? Then you often have to walk many kilometers to reach the clinic.

Cordaid has recorded how difficult this is. Two cameramen filmed Chanceline, who is seven months pregnant, all the way. This young woman (26) from Congo had to go to her doctor for a checkup. The nearest clinic is 27 kilometers away. Public transportation is not available in that area and even if it was, Chanceline doesn’t have the money for it. Through the rain and burning sun, she walks to the local hospital. As she stepped on firmly, the cameramen toiled behind her.

Quote cameraman David: “It was a hilly landscape, beautiful! But the weather changed constantly. Because of the rain, the road was very muddy and slippery. I have great respect for Chanceline; she has to take this journey, not only once, but five times during her pregnancy!

The most boring video ever.

Chanceline’s long walk will be streamed in real time on Cordaid’s website on Saturday, on December 12th at 12:12 pm CET. Does this sound boring? Yes, because who looks at a woman walking for five hours! But this is a daily reality for many people all over the world. December 12th is the United Nations Universal Health Coverage Day to promote universal access to health care. The 2012 UN Resolution demands access to accessible and affordable healthcare, all around the globe. Universal healthcare is also UN Sustainable Development Goal number 3.

Healthcare is a fundamental human right, but 400 million people worldwide lack access to essential healthcare services. And one third of households in Africa and Southeast Asia borrow money or sell things to pay healthcare bills.

With this oh-so-boring video, Cordaid wants to show that this really needs to change, and fast.

Universal Health Coverage Day

On December 12, a global coalition of organizations will promote the rapid implementation of good and accessible healthcare for everyone around the globe. Other than Cordaid, they will include the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Bank. All over the world, events and conferences will be organized with this theme.

Cordaid is a development organization that works on accessible and affordable healthcare in the poorest, often conflict-affected, areas. Cordaid achieves this by supporting local (health) organizations to improve their services and build health systems.

What if you’re seven months pregnant and have to go to the doctor for a checkup, while living in, for example, the Democratic Republic of Congo? Then you often have to walk many kilometers to reach the clinic.

Cordaid has recorded how difficult this is. Two cameramen filmed Chanceline, who is seven months pregnant, all the way. This young woman (26) from Congo had to go to her doctor for a checkup. The nearest clinic is 27 kilometers away. Public transportation is not available in that area and even if it was, Chanceline doesn’t have the money for it. Through the rain and burning sun, she walks to the local hospital. As she stepped on firmly, the cameramen toiled behind her.

Quote cameraman David: “It was a hilly landscape, beautiful! But the weather changed constantly. Because of the rain, the road was very muddy and slippery. I have great respect for Chanceline; she has to take this journey, not only once, but five times during her pregnancy!