item-Checked_hoodie_nice_22Jacqui James, 20, maybe studying sociology but she’s revealing her creative sidethrough fashion with her emerging label Jacqstar. Here we talk to the south Londoner about her entry as a designer in ACS Kings and Queens – an inter-university beauty pageant.

Why did you enter ACS Kings and Queens?: I entered ACS Kings and Queens initially because a friend recommended the event as an opportunity to showcase my collection. I was then made aware of the nature of the event (Fashion Designers competition) which adds an even more exciting element to the show; something that I have never been involved in before.

23520_10150146014500501_512570500_11596096_4518904_nWhat’s the name of your clothing range? (If you have one)

How would you describe the style of the clothes you make?
One of my models from my last show described my first collection as “Hood Vintage”, which I think is quite effective although I don’t have a particular guideline that I personally describe it as.

How did you get into fashion?
Sewing has been a hobby of mine for a long time; so you could say I grew up with fashion, its only recently that I have decided to make it commercial.

Who is your favourite designer and why?
I don’t have a favourite although I’m starting to fall in love with Balmain though.

Do you have a muse?
I guess my friends.

What is most challenging about your work?
Nothing and everything, I enjoy the aspect of creation, so challenge is a good thing.

What are some of the perks of being a fashion designer?
You save a whole load of money because you can make dresses yourself. Money that can be reinvested in expensive shoes!

What are your favourite hobbies?
Well my first would be designing, and doing hair.

What influences your designs?
Anything that catches my eye. They are usually informed by something I want to wear and can’t find in the shops.

What can we expect to see at the ACS Kings and Queens event?
My Initial thoughts point to a college theme, but you never know, I might change my mind!

What’s your end goal in the fashion industry?
To have an established label. More importantly I want the opportunity to create and have the world see it.

Describe your philosophy about the art of fashion.
My philosophy on fashion is centred around the concept of expression. It’s an aspect that everyone takes part in, even if you don’t know it!

What do you love most about fashion?
Its a forum for expression. You can paint your own canvas.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Why the hell not?

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