Lucy English Lips

New YouTube data shows the nation has an appetite for learning. Since April 2017 there has been a staggering 126% increase in views to videos around English language lessons.

In March 2018 alone, one hundred and fifty-six videos on the subject have been uploaded onto YouTube for the world to view.

Whether you are looking to write a job application, start a blog, handwrite a thank you note or impress at work, Lucy’s top tips for speaking beautiful English are:

  • Don’t agonise over your accent – everybody has an accent. If you are looking to speak more clearly, you should focus on improving pronunciation rather than reducing your accent. Accents are beautiful and add to our cultural identity and heritage.
  • The minute you have a doubt – find it out! I went years without knowing how to properly use apostrophes. One day I decided ‘enough is enough’ and finally researched their proper use. If I’d done that sooner I would have avoided years of umming and ahhing! Now, I keep a little list on my phone of all the random things I want to find out that pop into my head throughout the day(not just grammar related!!!). It has included everything from ‘research Oxford comma’ to ‘learn how to oil a hinge’. With the internet, most solutions to our ongoing problems are just a google search away.
  • Avoid the word ‘very’. I think it’s the most boring word in the English language. Why say ‘very big’ if we can say ‘enormous’? If we have wonderful words like ‘tedious’ and ‘exquisite’, why do we need to say ‘very boring’ or very good’?
  • Practise your best stories and anecdotes. It’s all about the delivery! If you’ve got a couple of stories that you think are particularly good icebreakers, nail them!

Lucy Earl says:

Through YouTube I can provide a wealth of education to anyone, in any country and at any age. People don’t have to be embarrassed to ask questions or admit to not understanding something. I really believe that with a bit of self-motivation, anybody can improve their English language skills whether in their own living room, on their commute, or even sitting at their desk