Although we can all keep acting as if we are mature and responsible, deep inside we all just want to have a little bit of fun.

Our overloaded and stressed lives need a break. Some chose to attend the classically directed Swan Lake, while others indulge to yoga classes. Many of us, however, need to unwind in less sophisticated ways.

In fact, disengaging your brain from your stressful lifestyle and spending at least a couple of hours a week for your own gain can rapidly improve your wellbeing and give you more confidence. So, to improve your wellbeing and maintain a healthy life, this list points out a couple of supposedly childish but extremely fun activities.

Visit a Trampoline Park

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Bouncy castles and trampolines are popular sources of activity for children. But now adults can also enjoy these experiences. Spending a day in a trampoline park is a great lively exercise.

Jumping around numerous interconnected trampolines is loads of fun on its own, but trampoline parks now provide more dedicated activity centres. For example, Durham-based Infinite Air Trampoline Park is primarily constructed for adults. Designed and constructed by Rubb Buildings Ltd, this park has two bouncy dodgeball parks, inflatable bag jump and three trampoline basketball lanes.

If you are looking for fun and active ways to spend your time, trampoline parks offer a great range of activities for you, your friends and family.

Ride a bike

Cycling doesn’t have to just be a means of transportation. Pedal bikes are a great way of getting yourself around town, and if you are living in a considerably big city, cycling can be a more efficient way of traveling.

While cycling could be a formal way of commuting, you can rekindle with your childhood thrill by enduring the bumps and hills of public parks.

Also, if you grab a ball, or a couple of tennis rackets, you can have a lot of fun in public playgrounds.

Circus or Fun Fair

Whenever a circus or a fun fair is in town, grab a free minute of your time and head to the fun fair. They have loads of activities and rides. If you would like to feel like a kid even more, grab a packet of candy floss. It gets stuck on your hands, get your pants dirty and reminds you of the bliss of childhood! Also, you will often find a circus near the fun fair, although it might not be something to do frequently, every now and then a visit to see clowns and all of the acrobats is guaranteed fun for you and your family.


There is nothing more fun than pranking your colleagues and friends. Although there is a line you should not cross, a few innocent laughs have never harmed anybody. In fact, pranks contribute to a fun atmosphere, making you relax more and often they can be a great ice breaker.

If you are having a party with a couple of friends, pranks are a great way to liven up the mood. If you are traveling with your family, cover their soap bar in clear nail polish for extra laughs!

Behaving like a kid and having as much fun as possible, gives you a fun-loving perspective to stick to in life. For lots of us, childhood was one of the most precious times in our lives, so why not continue having fun in your daily activities and exercises. Acting childish doesn’t mean that you are not responsible or not mature, it enables you to relax and concentrate on having fun.