Photo Credit: James Sicignano

With Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returning for an action-packed third season on Channel 4 we got the chance to talk to British Actor, Daz Crawford, who plays Kebo on the show.

Liverpudlian born Daz rose to fame as Diesel, in the UK’s hit TV show Gladiators and broke into Hollywood in Blade II alongside Wesley Snipes. Many TV and film roles followed for this talented actor and we got a chance to have a chat about his career.

Your career has been pretty varied to date, starting off in the Royal Air Force, to being a sportsman! How did you fall into acting?

Great question, after taking redundancy from the Royal Air Force I didn’t really have a plan as such. I’d been asked by a few photographers if they could take some photographs of me, some test shoots, which turned out ok. This moved me towards modelling. I soon realised that modelling wasn’t really for me but during this time a friend asked me if I wanted to be an extra in a movie. I was so green in the industry I had no clue what this was. He just said I’d be paid for hanging around all day. Anyway I went to Sheperton Studios at 5am the next day. There were around 200 extras, I was sent to wardrobe where I was put in some garb, a dress type thing that was worn in the Roman era, a wig and beard, and then told to ‘wait’. 6 hours later a couple of actors came on set, Eric Roberts (Julia Roberts’s brother) and Powers Boothe. I watched, and found it very intriguing. I realised I wanted to try this. The idea of being an extra and herded around till the job finished, I did not find appealing. I didn’t go back to the set the next day even though I was meant to be there for six weeks. I started looking for acting and drama schools. I found a great workshop in London ‘The Actors Centre and quickly got the bug for it. I eventually went to a few different drama schools both in the UK and Los Angeles.

MARVEL'S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. - "Purpose in the Machine" - Fitz and the team enlist the aid of an Asgardian to unlock the secrets of the ancient monolith that swallowed Simmons, and Agent May is at a crossroads in her personal and professional life, on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," DAZ CRAWFORD, BRETT DALTON
MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. – “Purpose in the Machine” – Fitz and the team enlist the aid of an Asgardian to unlock the secrets of the ancient monolith that swallowed Simmons, and Agent May is at a crossroads in her personal and professional life, on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,”

Did it ever cross your mind you wanted to be an actor growing up?

Never once did I think of becoming an actor and making it career whilst growing up.

How did you go from playing Diesel in the UK version of Gladiators to becoming a Hollywood Actor?

Hahahaha. Whilst I was a Gladiator I was still at drama school so was going out on auditions. I knew the show only had a couple of years left when I joined, so wasn’t going to wait and see what was next. I stayed active, and started booking some acting roles; my first was a villain in the James Bond film ‘The World is not Enough’. The logic for me was that if I was going to be successful as an actor, it would eventually take me to Hollywood. Three years after I started acting, along with some other projects, I booked a role in Blade 2 with Wesley Snipes. At this point I decided it was time to go to LA.

You got your big Hollywood break in Wesley Snipes Blade II, did you think this was finally the turning point in your career that took you to the next level?

Blade 2 was definitely a turning point for me. I am a realist and know it was only one job, when that’s finished you start again, out on the streets going from one audition to another. My experiences as an actor have been that one minute I’m working a lot, the next nothing. A bit of a rollercoaster ride, but I enjoy it so it’s all good. We just have to stay grounded and not assume just because we booked a big movie, that it’s going to be like that all the time because in reality it doesn’t work like that.

Daz Crawford


We can now see you Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as Kebo, How did you initially get the part?

Landing the part as ‘Kebo’ was just like any other really, the only slight difference is, and production is quite secretive with the script. This meant the actors only receive the sides for the scenes 15 minutes before actually going for the audition. We’re all in the same boat so nobody has any advantages.

You were initially only brought in for one episode but they loved you so much they wrote your character in for a further 5 episodes, how did that make you feel?

I’d shot the last episode of season 2, I’d then planned a trip back to the UK which is where I was when my agent called me to let me know I had been requested for another episode for series 3 . I was extremely happy and grateful I don’t think I slept too much that night. The next day she called me and said it was going to be more than just one episode, but a bunch of episodes; of course I was over the moon.

Do you know if there any further plans to have you back on the show?

I’m sorry; I’m not allowed to answer this question.

You have quite an extensive back catalogue of films. Which have been the most fun to be involved with and which has been your proudest?

Yes, I have been involved with quite a few movies and television shows since my journey started. I find Hollywood to be quite judgmental with regards to ‘the way you look’. Actors tend to get ‘boxed’ to a ‘type’. I find this very frustrating, having now studied for over 7 years and been in the industry for 14 years and believe to have gained knowledge and experience to be able to fill many different types of roles. I still find it hard to accept that roles are booked on looks and physicality. So booking a comedy movie opposite Katherine Heigl, (we are on a blind date together) I felt was a great achievement. The movie is called ‘Caffeine’. It was something new for me but I really enjoyed it. Of course, I still love to play the villain, or tough guy, which goes with my ‘look’ but at the same time I would still love to be given the opportunity to diversify with other types of roles.

Daz Crawford
Photo Credit: James Sicignano

If you were trapped on a deserted Island which 5 films would you take and why?

Well as long as there is something to watch them on and some electricity? Hahahaha I would just take some comedy movies to lighten up my day of being trapped there. Maybe…….. Austin Powers, Borat, Men in Black, Snatch, Threes something about Mary. That type of thing.

You had a tough childhood but you’ve not let that hold you back, what words of inspiration can you give to today’s children experiencing the same as you did?

Life can be hard but there’s s always someone out there who has it harder. Don’t let your past dictate your future, but always remember where you came from, for me this keeps my values alive. When you have an ambition, go for it because if you don’t, somebody else will. Don’t expect it to be ‘given’ to you, because you will be disappointed when you don’t get it or it doesn’t work out. When you have a goal or dream, be prepared to commit to it and work hard, sometimes it can be lonely. Most of all ‘enjoy the journey of your dreams, goals and ambitions’.

Where can we see you next?

As you know Agents of Shield is still airing. Besides that a project I worked on last year called ‘Awaken’ with Vinnie Jones is released at the London film festival February 18th 2016 which has been nominated for 4 awards. This is a thriller about organ thieves. Another movie recently released ‘Dawn Patrol, with Scott Eastwood. Finally ‘Rogue Warrior: Robot Fighter’ a science fiction movie that will be released later in the year.