MC_ Beautiful_FNL_REV

If you have not heard the track Mariah has with the brilliant Miguel then her you go.

The track Beautiful is a unabashed bit of RnB pop. The video is really simple and dare I say basically a budget thing which sees Miguel and Mariah essentially sat on a motorbike while they croon away. Technically this apparent budget video could be seen as a negative but what it does show is the fact that these two supreme vocalist with Mariah an artist who has proved countless times that she is a bonafide star really do not need expensive visuals to sell a track.

The occasional silhouette of Mariah in a short skirt is always nice since the 43 year old remains a tasty visual treat but in essence this track taken off her soon to drop album (July 23rd) is further reinforcement that after 200 million album sales and 18 number 1 records that Rihanna your big but not that big. For Miguel it just proves that after years of graft he deserves to be fraternising with the biggest female artist right now.

A little bit of trivia for you, look out for Mariah in her most recent role for the film Butler-as if she is not talented enough hey?

Beautiful out on the 24th June