Staying productive in work

With the Christmas period now done and dusted, it’s time to look ahead to 2019 and set ourselves the inevitable New Year’s resolutions.

For many of us, the hardest part after Christmas is going back to work and settling back into our everyday routines. One New Year’s resolution we often hear is how people want to make the most out of their career and be more productive; but after a relaxing period off over Christmas and New Year, it can be easier said than done. If this is one of your resolutions and you struggle to motivate yourself to be productive; we’ve selected a few of the key areas which you may want to focus on and help you make the most of your working day.

Being comfortable is key

If you work in an office then it’s more than likely the majority of your day is spent sitting down, behind a desk. If this is the case then it’s important to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible, by using the best equipment for you and your posture. To start with it’s important to have a good quality chair, which supports your posture and provides comfort at the same time. If you’re in need of a new office chair then it’s best to look at online retailers, such as, who supply a range of chairs, not only to aid comfort but to also match the interior of your workspace.

Keep your workspace clear and tidy

You may not think it but how organised and tidy your desk is can have a big impact on your productivity. Before you start your day, it’s best to have a tidy of your workspace so you know where everything is and it means you’re set up for the day ahead. A messy workspace means you can’t concentrate as much as you should on your tasks and any paperwork you may need, will be harder to find and take your focus away for the job you should be doing.

Organise your inbox

For the majority of us, we can’t do our job with emails and one thing we dread is the number of emails waiting for us on a daily basis. To help get through your inbox quicker and for your emails to be more accessible, it’s a good idea to create individual folders so you can organise your inbox as each email comes in. When you create folders for each working day, client or task, it just makes replying to each one easier and will help you in the long run.

We all want to make the most of our working day and being productive is key to it happening. There are many steps you can take to being as productive and the above points are just a few of them you may want to try.