Flavour’s “Artist Diary” continues with rising singer Jenn D, who provides us with another fascinating look into her wild musical life. Her debut single ‘Lose It’ will be released on November 18.  In the meantime, however, find out what she’s been up to below.

Hey guys,

First thing this morning I was in the gym. I usually do about an hour at least three times a week. I’m trying to get really fit and healthy as I’ll be doing my very first live show at the end of November.

I’m always astonished by artists like Beyonce who manages to dance so amazingly as we’ll as giving a flawless vocal performance. It requires a really high fitness level. I’m not sure I’ll ever meet her standards (who can!?) but I’ll certainly try.

My team and I are gearing up for my first single going online in the next few days. It’s really exciting as it is the end result of a lot of hard work from everybody. It’s been really amazing looking at the whole process right from when we wrote the song [‘Lose It’] in the studio through to filming the video. I had the best timing filming it out in LA. The director Rock Jacobs was also amazing to work with.

We based the video on old block parties in America. I loved the idea of people coming together and using old speakers to build a huge PA system. Getting in to trouble in the best possible way! I won’t spoil it for you all, but all I will say is I got in a bit of trouble with the LAPD. Take a peep at the pic above.

For the rest of today, I have more rehearsals for my acoustic recording on Monday. No rest for the wicked! 😉