London, 20 November 2014 Male cheaters from UK have spoken out, and ranked their partners’ excuses to avoid spending time between the sheets, which range from unbelievable to downright lame.

Victoria Milan – a dating website for attached people looking to cheat – conducted the survey among cheating members from United Kingdom and discovered a common theme.

While the excuses to get out of bedroom shenanigans are varied, there’s a sense of frustration from male respondents as women are unashamedly avoiding sex – something men do not experience from their extra-marital lovers.

Top 5 Bedroom Worst Excuses as given by partners of British love cheaters are:

#1 ‘I don’t feel like it right now, let’s do it later’

#2 ‘I have a headache’

#3 ‘I am very stressed, it’s been a hard day’

#4 ‘I have my period’

#5 ‘The kids might hear us’

Founder and CEO of Victoria Milan, Sigurd Vedal, said affairs are often the result of such frustration.

“Sexual rejection in the form of a pitiful excuse can be a real blow to a man’s confidence.  If this happens repeatedly, searching for comfort, reassurance and unrestrained bedroom pleasure is obviously going to be his next move – and probably one he won’t regret,” Mr Vedal said.

Survey Results
5,368 male Victoria Milan members polled

Are you tired of your partner making excuses to avoid sex?          
Yes – 73.2%
No – 26.8%

Which is the worst excuse your partner has used to get out of having sex?                

I don’t feel like it right now, let’s do it later – 24.2%
I have a headache – 15.2%
I am very stressed, it’s been a hard day – 12.5%
I have my period – 10.5%
The kids might hear us – 8.6%
My whole body is hurting; I might be getting the flu – 7.1%
I don’t have time; I have so many things to do – 6.5%
I cannot move – I’m sore from the gym – 5.1%
I have to get up early tomorrow – 3.8%
I can’t make love after an argument – 2.4%
I’m watching the movie, let me finish it – 2.1%
I am going to the gynaecologist tomorrow; I think I better not – 1.1%
My mother might come and visit us; no way we are having sex – 0.9%