Here at Flavour we are giving 1 lucky reader the chance to win a beauty box for FREE. You can keep those holiday finds in this trendy beauty box rather than simply buying one for £31.95 to store your products in at home.Beauty-Boxes - Red Valene Case

All you have to do is finish this sentence in the comment box below. Beauty is….

A winner will be chosen at random by August 25.




  1. Beauty is only skin deep, but with personality and intelligence it can capture the soul, not just the eye.

  2. Beauty is horribly overrated and elitist.
    Health is a whole lot more important – and intelligence and kindness!

  3. is jolly hard work!…for most of us anyway and involves a lot of help and cleverly applied make up…this is where the beauty case would come in very useful… 😉

  4. Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time

  5. Beauty is only skin deep thats how the saying goes,
    but when beauty comes from inside what how love grows x

  6. Beauty is life. People do not realise how lucky they are to have life, and when you do realise, this is true beauty.

  7. Beauty is something that we all have within us, we just need to find the self belief to let it out.

  8. Beauty is skin deep, but true beauty radiates from within creating a glow that warms everyone around you

  9. beauty is seeing your baby for the first time
    sheer beauty is seeing that same baby have her own baby

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