10 reasons in photos why you NEED to be following Gemma Humphries on instagram @GEMHUMPH

Introducing Gemma Humphries. No not the old weather girl Gemma Humphries (insert wet joke here) the sexy, sassy, Gemma Humphries that had recently been featured in LJT Fashion & Celeb News.

Gemma Humphries was brought to our attention by our fashion columnist Laura Turner and now we can’t get enough of her. We immediately followed her on twitter and instagram and liked her on facebook. Sounds a bit stalkerish right? well that’s what people do these days when they see someone they like.

She has been tweeting us and has followed us so we thought we would write a nice little article called 10 reasons in photos why you NEED to be following Gemma Humphries on instagram.

p.s. Our CEO Leonard Foster is completely gassed with her photo’s, look and see why.

Here are our 10 reasons you need to be following Gemma Humphries on instagram

1. She is absolutely stunning and she has been featured in Flavourmag.

2. She’s got amazing kissable lips.

3. Look at her body… Amazing right?

4. This is how she would look on a beach

5. She takes really good selfies.

6. Her mates are hot too.

7. She’s got BUNS.

8. She still looks amazing on a normal day.

9. Those seductive eyes, keeps you staring.

10. Do we really need to say more? We bet guys and girls fancy her.

Follow her on instagram now and twitter @GEMHUMPH and if you want to take it one step further then tweet this.

[Tweet “I just read 10 reasons in photos why you NEED to be following @GEMHUMPH on instagram”]

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