Within the last 20 years, diversity has become a cornerstone in recruitment processes, with more legal protections than ever in place to guard employees against discrimination in the workplace.

But sadly, there is still work to be done. In a recent study, Forbes found that 70% of all workers have experienced some form of bullying or prejudice at work, so it’s clear to see that diverse recruitment policies are needed more than ever to protect against workplace discrimination.

Here are four reasons why diversity is still important in the recruitment process.

1. Language is Everything

Research has shown that candidates can be deterred from applying to jobs based on the language that is used to describe the role.

Recruitment software such as Oleeo uses artificial intelligence to remove potentially masculine word choices from job descriptions and suggest alternatives that are less gender specific.

This ensures inclusivity and fairness, and actions against the ‘sticky floor’ theory; the idea that women tend to be stuck in lower-paid, service-based jobs, with little ability to progress.

2. You Teach Acceptance and Remove Stigma

A recent report showed that 72% of people in the UK consider diversity when looking for a job, so it’s clear that diversity and inclusion policies carry serious positive movement.

And inclusive leadership that creates an environment of acceptance within the workplace allows all employees to feel comfortable, and be the best version of themselves.

This attitude also removes the stigma from prejudicial pre-conceptions surrounding gender, race and disability, normalising conversations and changing attitudes.

This ultimately sends the message that any discriminatory behaviour would be received badly and fosters a protective and supportive working environment.

3. You Create Better Relationships with Customers

By hiring a diverse workforce, customers can see that they are represented in your field and will engage with the company better.

This creates a feeling of safety, acceptance and trust, especially in a customer-facing business where face-to-face service is at the heart of your reputation.

Diversity in the workplace also allows for increased empathy when communicating with customers due to employees having a better understanding of different life experiences and cultures.

This means, for example, that customers who speak English poorly will value the interaction that they have with an employee who speaks their language. Likewise, a disabled member of staff can help provide responsive feedback to make your customer experience more accessible to customers with disabilities.

Both examples show that diversity intensifies the human connection element that is so essential in excellent customer service.

4. You Increase the Talent in Your Team

Hiring a diverse team is not just about inclusivity, it’s also about bringing something new to the table.

When you hire a team of employees from different backgrounds, cultures, and life experiences, you also hire their talents and interpersonal skills.

How do you promote diversity in your recruitment process? Let us know in the comments below!