
Successful businesspeople aren’t necessarily more talented than other members of the population — but they often recognise opportunities others miss, formulate unique solutions and work towards goals with dogged dedication.

However, there are several reasons entrepreneurs need to manage their mental health — including stress, social isolation and an overidentification of personal self-worth with company fortunes.

And launching a startup on the wrong footing can quickly lead to staff struggling to cope too, but there are preventative measures you can take.

So here are four tips for ensuring your startup remains a happy place to work.

  1. Socialising

Most jobs involve some sort of social interaction — but by taking the time to ensure staff feel comfortable and cared for at work, you’ll build bonds that inspire loyalty.

A lot of this is facilitated by ensuring you and your managers treat employees respectfully, but minor perks like lunches and outings can make a difference.

But also respect their time and family commitments — and your own. When workers have a good life/work balance, they’ll probably perform better. And you’ll be a better leader when you take time for extracurricular activities that nourish you.

  1. Wellbeing

Keeping physically fit and ensuring you get enough sleep will mean you feel mentally sharper when it comes to tackling business challenges.

And the same principle applies to your staff — if you take an interest in their wellbeing, it’ll benefit them as well as your bottom line.

So investing in staff wellbeing initiatives that include discounted gym memberships, spa pamper sessions and restaurant vouchers make valued employees more likely to stick around.

However, ensure that your company culture is open and transparent first and foremost — otherwise, these drives will seem insincere.

  1. Medical support

There may be occasions when you or your staff need professional support for physical or mental health problems.

If you’ve got the wherewithal, seeking therapy at any point in your life can be worthwhile — it might completely reset the way you view personal and professional challenges.

And offering staff discounted medical treatment that includes an employee assistance line where they can seek advice from trained counsellors is an excellent service that can protect staff and prevent absences.

  1. Redesign HR

When HR is delivered effectively, it’s seamlessly integrated with a ‘people first’ culture — in fact, some HR departments are now called ‘people operations’.

So if you’re employing an HR professional, ensure that they understand the ways their role and remit support your cultural vision and business ethics.

And arranging reliable outsourced payroll services can free them from onerous admin tasks so that they can use their emotional intelligence to promote and maintain the healthy working relationships that boost business.

After you implement these four tips, you’re well on the way to launching a start-up that’s fighting fit — and having systems in place to take the regular ‘temperature checks’ that maintain physical and mental health.

What’s your tip for a happy workplace? Share your advice in the comments section.

Photo by Headway on Unsplash