Go karting

To get your successful go-karting session underway, read our five hints and tips below to help you drive without crashing and enjoy your go-karting experience to the full.

1) Enter turns slowly

An important lesson in driving your go Kart without crashing is learning how best to handle turns. A good rule of thumb is to enter turns slowly but leave them quickly, accelerating out of them. Better to practice the turns slowly, or better yet do it first on smaller razor crazy carts to familiarize yourself with the motion.

2) Steer into a slide

Feel yourself sliding and want to brake?

If you feel your Go-Kart drifting and fear it may be going out of your control, don’t brake. Instead, take the pressure off of the throttle and steer into the slide. By doing this, you are more likely to cut the speed of your go Kart gradually and stay in control, safely.

3) Be a smooth operator

Do you stop and start when you’re driving?

Learn to be a smooth operator when driving your go-kart to be the most effective driver you can be. When go-karting, jerky driving slows you down and can cause problems for those behind you on the track. You’ll be a better, more effective driver if you learn to drive smoothly and you’ll reduce the likelihood of someone bumping into your rear too. Accelerate and brake smoothly to be a safer driver and mitigate crashing on the track.

4) Overtaking

Whether driving out on the open road or a go-karting track, overtaking can be tricky. To reduce the likelihood of crashing when overtaking with your go-kart, follow our handy tips.

Firstly, look ahead. You’ll see successful drivers looking far ahead around the next bend, helping them to anticipate and prepare for their next move. Looking ahead helps you to see gaps and opportunities and also prevents you from becoming distracted by the drivers immediately beside you.

Secondly, be mindful of your braking position.  Some drivers leave braking too late when looking to overtake a driver on the track.  You only need to be a split second later than the driver you plan to overtake.  Leave it too long, and you risk missing the corner altogether.

5) Don’t push yourself

If you’re feeling tired, unwell or just can’t concentrate – don’t race. Know your limits and don’t push yourself beyond them.  It’s better to stop your Go-Kart in a pit and step off of the track than continue in a race when you’re not feeling up to it.

Feel out of your depth?

If the race is going at a faster pace than you feel comfortable with, then once again, pull into a pit and stop.

Your go-karting experience

Go-karting provides a great day out for family, friends and colleagues, from birthday parties to corporate team-building exercises, stag and hen dos to children’s go-karting experiences. Either on your own or in a group, there really is something for everyone. To put these tips into practice and enjoy a top Go Karting experience visit Brentwood Karting today.