It took me a very long time until I took my own solo adventure. My only regret in life is not starting it earlier. My first solo adventure was moving to London when I was 23 years-old.

Since then I’ve become an inspiration amongst my friends, encouraging each and every one of them to try travelling on their own at least once. The rewards have been so amazing, the independence, the freedom and of course excitement of the unknown. It pushes you to interact with other people, to explore more places, and I guess it also teaches you to be brave. Those lessons I have learnt travelling on my own have been more beneficial to me then my university degree. My strength has grown, and I push myself to the limit everyday, knowing that life is too short and without these solo moments and adventures on my own I would not be as strong as I am today.

1. The Freedom

I’ve noticed that when I travel with friends I become restricted. I have to wait for them to get ready and work around their schedules. When you are solo you don’t have to worry about these things, you just move. The freedom to pick and go whenever you please is such a beautiful thing, even more beautiful when you’re travelling the world.

2. Discovering yourself

Travelling by yourself you may be put into some awkward situations without having anyone to pick you up and help you. It may sound terrible and frightening but it is in fact the one thing that makes you grow. It allows you to feel it, panic a little and then solve the situation on your own. After that, well you can do whatever you set your mind to.

3. The faith in humanity

When travelling on your own you will be surprised at how many people want to help you! I’ve travelled all around the world and the sheer kindness of another human being, continues to make me speechless. It restores your faith in humanity. Whether it’s because a complete stranger offers to be your tour guide, treat you to dinner, or perhaps help you out in a sticky situation.

4. Loving yourself

This might sound a little cheesy but it teaches you to love yourself. Not in the vain way, but to appreciate your worth, how much you’ve done and love yourself for being free. We’re so hard on ourselves when we’re at home we forget to appreciate ourselves for what we’ve already done. It’s not easy and it takes time, but if you ever feel lost, travel alone and you’ll learn to love yourself again.

5. Be grateful

Living in a big city can make you take a lot of things for granted. Being a solo travelling allows you to appreciate life more and be grateful for what you have.