people discussing business

Having an online presence for your business has become an essential step to success.

The digital world will give you wider access to potential consumers that will be interested in your products, helping you build your brand and broaden your base.

Navigating the ecommerce world comes with its own challenges, however, the rewards are worth the effort.

If you’re looking to move your business online, add an online branch to your already established name, or are simply starting out, then here are five fantastic tips to keep in mind.

1. Choose a Suitable Domain Name

Choosing the right domain name for your website is vital, it should reflect you and your business.

Keep it short and memorable, you want it to stick with your customers, so if they see it, they’ll remember you later.

Use a service such as Google Domains to get started and secure the perfect domain name for your business.

2. Ensure Good Web Design

Web design is one of the most important parts of moving your business online, it is the first impression your customers will get of your company, so make it a good one.

A trusted web design agency, such as the London based Maratopia Digital Marketing are experts at high-quality web design. This reliable London company will ensure that you have the perfect website to outshine your competitors.

3. Concentrate on Content

Making sure that the content on your website is up to scratch is an important step to ensuring that your consumers convert.

Without content, your website is just a shell, so think carefully about the information you want to include and let it show off who you are.

Unlike a traditional shopping experience, your customers won’t be able to take a closer look at your product, so it’s important that you provide them with clear pictures and detailed descriptions so that they know exactly what they’re buying and you can deliver on their expectations.

4. Connect with Customers

Connecting with customers is a great way to boost their engagement. When they feel like they can trust you to listen to them, then they’ll be more likely to return time and time again.

Ensure that you’re active on social media as research shows that this is how a third of all customers find new brands. If they use one of these platforms to contact you, make sure you respond in a timely manner.

Once you’ve built up a relationship, you can ask them for testimonials that you can include on your website

5. Be Mobile Friendly

With more than half of web traffic being generated by mobile devices, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly.

Your site needs to load as well on a mobile as it does on a desktop, as poor mobile formatting will frustrate your customers and drive them into the arms of your competitors.

It might seem like a simple thing but having a website that functions across all devices can make all the difference to your success.

Do you have any tips for taking your business online? Share them with us in the comments below!

Image via unsplash