It’s Wednesday, this mean’s only one thing. Women Crush Wednesday and this time we have fitness model Emma Wray Jones and we’ve managed to pull the hottie away from her training for a quickkie (60 second interview).

You will love the images below by fitness photographer Simon Howard and just to spice things up a little bit, there is also a cameo appearance from another stunner Joanna Wolosz.

When did you first get into fitness?
I have always enjoyed being fit and active – dance and horse riding used to be my main forms of fitness. Training with weights is relatively new to me still – something I have been doing for the last 2.5 years.

What motivates you?
The mirror mainly, but I’m inspired by many things to keep going such as images of other fitness personalities to motivational quotes I see which can really snap you back in to the right frame of mind if you’re having an ‘off’ moment. It’s very important to surround yourself with people who lift you higher, challenge you and inspire you to be better and most importantly to stick at it – a good support network is crucial.

What sort of training do you do?
I train with weights 6 times a week and incorporate some cardiovascular exercise into my routine also. My routine is varied and changes frequently according to my physique goals.

What would be your top training tip?
Get your shoes on and get out of the door! I like to train at roughly the same time everyday. This means that your get into a ‘habit’ of getting to the gym – it just becomes ‘what you do’ rather than a ‘choice’ you make.

What sort of diet do you follow?
Ultimately my diet consists of lean meats, fish and tonnes of vegetables and berries. I also use quark, and greek yogurt, and make sure I have healthy fats such as avocados and nuts. My diet changes frequently to support the training I’m doing. I like to keep my diet varied and I find that by including a large variety of nutrient rich foods, I don’t really ‘crave’ junk or processed foods.

What would be your top diet tip?
Be consistent in eating well.

What are your future goals?
I hope to step on the stage for the first time in 2015 – that is my immediate goal, and my total focus presently. It’s a very exciting time right now!

Check out Emma Wray’s facebook here: | @EWJfitness

Photography by