Everyone will get old someday, and when that time comes, they’ll have to rely on others a little bit more.

For some, that’ll mean having their groceries delivered instead of popping to the shops. Others will need slightly more help, and may even be compelled into moving in with family members for additional support.

If your parent or elderly relative falls into the latter category and you’re taking on caring responsibilities for them, then you’ll have to make a few changes to your home. To give you a helping hand, we’ve assembled this list of pointers on what you’ll need to make your property a little more elderly-friendly.

  1. Stairlifts

If the elderly relative in your care has significant mobility issues then they may struggle to get up and down stairs in your home. Stannah Stairlifts, which have been a valued stairlift brand for several decades, should be your first port of call, allowing your relative to pop up and downstairs in a matter of minutes without pain or discomfort.

At the point when you no longer require a stairlift, use We Buy Any Stairlift for uplift and receive money back.

  1. Grab bars

Balance can be a major issue for the elderly, particularly in unfamiliar surroundings. That’s why grab bars will have to become a vital part of the layout of your home. Placed at an easy to reach height, these bars will give your relative something easy to hold onto should they lose their balance.

  1. Extra lighting

Low lighting may improve the ambience of a living room, but it’s no help to an elderly relative trying to find their bearings. Invest in some high-key lighting fixtures to aid them, particularly if sight issues are becoming a bigger problem.

  1. Reduce clutter

Furniture clutter can become a major problem if you’ve lived anywhere for a long time. But that issue is exacerbated if it makes negotiating your room difficult for your new lodger.

Before they move in, consider what routes you can create for an elderly person and clear these spaces as well as possible.

  1. Find them private spaces

No matter how amicable the arrangement, there’s every chance that your elderly relative may feel like a burden on you, particularly if there hasn’t been a space made for them to sit and enjoy their own company.

Whether it’s an additional room or a separate part of the house, make it clear to your relative that this space is theirs for them to do as they please. A sense of ownership is a key contributing factor to happiness.

  1. Perching spots

If you have a large home that’s difficult to get around, then you may need to purchase additional stools or seats to give your relative something to rest on to conserve their energy.

  1. Anti-slip floors

Slippy floors can be a major hazard for an elderly person, particularly in bathrooms or kitchens. Invest in some anti-slip floors, or even some anti-slip mats for problem areas, to mitigate against trips and falls.

That’s our list! Have you changed your home to help an elderly relative? If so, what did you do? Let us know in the comments below.

Image via Unsplash