WATCH: The Way Back Movie Trailer

A story like no other.

We all know such a boy, who has been an unbelievable loser for his entire life. So here is Duncan, a king of awkwardness, in all his awkward glory, being as miserable and lonely as a human being might be. Duncan’s mother does not care of her son and his problems at all, being completely distracted by her new lover. Duncan never had any friends to care about him, so now he founds himself to be desperately alone and useless. Mother ‘s dreadful boyfriend, trying to make an image of himself giving a damn, brings his girlfriend and her sons to his beach house. If only he had any idea, how much could change over a single summer…

From the creators of unmatchable Juno and Little Miss Sunshine comes yet another one life-affirming, mild, a little clumsy, but nevertheless charming comedy Way Way Back, which is aimed to restore our faith in humanity. It feels like nothing could be said more about the beauty of the human soul in the guise of an extremely awkward shell and the importance of genuine values than it already has been said, but there are many possible points of view. This time, the point of view belongs to a socially-awkward teenager boy (Liam James), who is constantly bullied by his mom’s douche boyfriend (Steve Carell) and has no basics of social knowledge whatsoever.

One might think that Way Way Back is nothing but another pointless summer comedy with no meaning and deep sense. Yes, the Way Way Back trailer looks precisely as one of these comedies.  However, such stories of renewal, even in such a short time and under such comical circumstances, always touch to depth of soul. It is unlikely that a summer at an Aqua park and several new acquaintances can abruptly change human’s life. No matter what, this is exactly what happens in The Way Way Back trailer. And it is portrayed so natural and beautiful, that not to believe it is simply unfeasible. Self-conscious loser Duncan finds himself a true spiritual mentor (Sam Rockwell), who explains to him how important is to keep faith in yourself and how unimportant is the opinions of others. Over time, Duncan becomes stronger and stronger, so he finds a charming girl who, of course, is at first bewildered, but then falls for changing Duncan more and more. Throughout the movie, we trace the emergence of Duncan as a man and as a person. All this comes straightforwardly, smoothly, in the relaxed atmosphere of a summer frivolity. It takes only one dig deeper, and immediately comes the realization that The Way Way Back is not just a tedious comedy, aimed at the budget fees. It is a gentle, witty and very visual guide on how to become a real man, how to be strong and stand behind your words. A story of life, love and summer – on the screens, since the 28th of August.


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