ACS Kings & Queens: Horacia

Makeda Beckford named her fashion line after her middle name Horacia. She says: ‘My middle name is very unique like my designs.’ The 25-year-old graduated from Ravensbourne in 2008 from doing a BA in women’s wear fashion design. She has been paired with Bedfordshire university to create designs for the contestants taking part in ACS Kings and Queens – an inter university beauty pagent.

Why did you enter ACS Kings and Queens?
To show what I can bring to the fashion industry and embrace Horacia Designs

What are your thoughts on the event?
I think is a great event as there are a lot of aspiring models and fashion designers who are looking to make it in the fashion industry and the ACS Kings and Queens is a great opportunity for it.

How would you describe the style of the clothes you make?
My style is unique, innovative and creative.

How did you get into fashion?
I became interested in fashion in my early teens. I did not want to dress like everyone else, just wanted to have my own unique style so I started to experiment with clothes by deconstructing and reconstructing them to come up with a different outfits.

What makes your designs stand out from the rest?
My designs are different as I add my personality into my designs to make it unique. I also like to pay attention to detail and shape.

Who is your favourite designer and why?
One of my favourite designers is Issey Miyake, as I love that his designs are simple. I find his garments interesting with the intricate details he uses in some of his collections.

Are their works reflected in your designs?
I would say that Issey Miyake has influenced some of my designs, past and present.

What are some of the perks of being a fashion designer?
You can always design a new outfit and you know that if you go to a club or a special occasion nobody else will be wearing the same outfit.

If you weren’t designing clothes, what would you like to be doing?
As music is my second passion, it will probably be something to do with music.

What is favourite music to listen to when you are working on a garment?
I wouldn’t say that I have a favourite music as I like all kinds of music but it will have to be something up tempo and motivational.

What are your favourite hobbies?
Fashion designing, listening to music, travelling, going to fashion shows and exhibitions.

What influences your designs?
Culture, music and art.

Tell me about the contestants/students that you are working with to win the competition?
I have two students who have been great to work with who are representing Bedfordshire University and be modelling my designs for the competition.

What do you love most about fashion?
I love how fashion reinvents itself and evolves through time.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
I can do anything in life that I set my mind to, as long as I believe in myself.

See more of the collection on Facebook.

For more information on the event visit their website.


After months of preparation the 8 African Caribbean Society university finalists shall display decorum as they compete to be crowned ACS King and Queen 2010 on the 20th June 2010.

This spectacular night shall also unveil 8 exceptionally creative African Caribbean fashion designers who have been paired off with our 8 ACS universities to produce an exclusive innovative piece that will be debuted and showcased on the night courtesy of the university they are working with.

This event is supported by Flavour Magazine with the winning female contestant winning a place in the final of Miss Flavour 2010.

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