She’s back and looking better than ever. In November 2012 we had the pleasure of shooting fitness model and raw food chef Aniko Puhova and the result where stunning. Now she is back for our 60 second interview, with amazing new photos.

Aniko Puhova by Zoltan Vegh Photography

We featured you before and now your back again, what have you been up to since we last saw you?
I change my Life style in many ways and I became a lot healthier since last time. I went to Bali to do a Raw food chef course in October 2012 and since then, I eat a lot more fresh organic vegetable and fruits. Bali change my nutritional intake. I discontinue eating meat and I feel great on my new nutritional program. Recently I moved to Palma de Mallorca, Spain where I work with my private clients and I now enjoy the beauty of this Amazing Island.

Your also raw food chef, tell us exactly what that means and what do you do.
Raw food means uncooked food – or more specifically, foods in their natural state.
Because raw food hasn’t been cooked, it still has all of its nutrients intact. Your body can expect to see and feel physical changes in as little as 24 hours.

Aniko Puhova by Zoltan Vegh Photography

Give us 5 tips on how to get a body like yours.

  1. Eat clean
  2. Exercise regularly
  3. Do some cardiovascular workouts
  4. Eat lots of fresh organic vegetables & fruits
  5. Drink lots of water

Aniko Puhova by Zoltan Vegh Photography

What is your favourite type pf exercise?
My favorite workout is High Intensity workout, specially TABATA.

Do you find it hard maintaining your figure?
Not really, I exercise almost every day eating healthy and clean food most of the time.

Aniko Puhova by Zoltan Vegh Photography

A lot of people think that in order to keep fit, you need to deprive yourself of all sweet things like sweets, cakes, alcohol etc, is this true?
You have to eat clean and healthy most of the time to have a fit, strong and healthy body. Once you reach your goal, from time to time you can have some sweets. Lately I only eat raw sweets (cakes, chocolate, pancakes, etc.) the taste is amazing and it actually nourishes your body and mind.

Aniko Puhova by Zoltan Vegh Photography

Where can we find out more about you?
You can go to my website: or Like my Facebook Page ( – there you can find some nice raw food recipes and workout videos with different tips.

Photos courtesy of