bare bones bbq tour bus

The guys over at Meat Lust have announced that they have teamed up with Ben Spalding, Bleecker Burger, Foxlow, Ribman, Clutch, The Bowler Meatballs and Gipsy Hill Brewery to create the ultimate double decker bus carnivore tour.

Tickets are on sale now

Fear not flavour fanatics – no longer must you aimlessly wander the streets of London in search for your latest foodie fix, as The Meat Lust Bare Bones Bus has arrived courtesy of street food-inspired flavour-junkies, Meat Lust and top chef, Ben Spalding.

A tricked-out BBQ joint on wheels, The Bare Bones Bus will serve up mouth-watering, Meat Lust-infused taster plates from Ben Spalding and exclusive off-menu dishes from London’s most lauded restaurants and street food vendors – including blasphemous Holy F**k Rib Meat Rolls from Mark Gevaux (A.K.A Rib Man), a Trio of Chicken from Haggerston fryer-fiends Clutch, miniature twists on Bleecker’s award-winning Bleecker Black, tender meat from Foxlow and a variety of meaty balls from The Bowler Meatballs.

The double deck, half-open top bus has been completely stripped of its mundane interior and transformed into a haven for any meat lover, featuring dining booths, a large Primo XL400 Grill manned by former Aqua Shard and Jon Salt Exec Chef, Ben Spalding and a downstairs craft beer bar from Gipsy Hill Brewing who will be on hand to pair up all the dishes with one of their conversation starting brews.

Meat-loving Londoners can hop aboard the Bare Bones Bus by booking one of eight tours on the 4rd, 5th, 11th and 12th February. The £30 ‘taster-ticket’ will provide each guest with x4 taster plates smoked on-board by Ben Spalding, off-menu dishes at each stop (RibMan, Clutch, Bleecker, The Bowler Meatballs and Foxlow), x4 Gipsy Hill Brewing Beers and live Q&As with the folk behind the flavour.

Tour Times:

  • Tour One – 4th February – 2pm-5pm
  • Tour Two –  4th February – 6pm-9pm
  • Tour Three – 5th February – 2pm – 5pm
  • Tour Four – 5th February – 6pm – 9pm
  • Tour Five – 11th February – 2pm – 5pm
  • Tour Six – 11th February – 6pm – 9pm
  • Tour Seven – 12th February – 2pm – 5pm
  • Tour Eight – 12th February – 6pm-9pm

TO BOOK YOUR SPACE ON THE BARE BONES TOUR VISIT: or simply buy your tickets here