She’s a dance expert adored for her hit records and sassy standing-over splits… Here what the former Pussycat Doll Kimberly Wyatt had to say ahead of launching the UK’s biggest dance festival – MOVE IT.

She relishes her judging roles on Sky’s Got To Dance and US equivalent Live To Dance, and made No 5 in the UK charts with her Street Dance 3D track ‘Candy’. This year she has a perfume coming out, her online beauty range arrives in stores, and she is developing a dancewear line. Guys dream she’s their girlfriend and girls want to be like her. Flavour just had to grab a minute with Kimberly to find out how she does it all and still looks so great…

You have so many projects on the go, is dancing still your true love?
It is all a huge part of me, but the soul, the beginning and reason I’m in the spotlight to begin with is because I am a dancer. I’ve been training since I was seven and I’m finding outlets to continually express myself, so it’s all synergistically intertwined.

In this competitive industry, was it scary hitting the big 3-0 this year?
Turning 30 really tripped me out! As a dancer you know it isn’t going to last forever, but I’m still getting opportunities – so you know what? I think 30 is going to be fricking awesome! [Laughs]

We hear you’re putting your legendary standing-over slits to rest! Why?!
[Laughs] This is my challenge! In the dance world it is appreciated because people know it comes from ballet and training my balls off! But if you take it outside, it gets this X-rated stamp, so I’m having a hard time deciding if it’s accepted or not. Or should I just be proud of it and do it whenever I want?

Do it! Your style is pretty daring – which fashion era would you rewind back to if you could?
[Giggles] The Kate Moss grunge days: I love the cut-off jeans shorts, the flannel shirt tied around the waist, the white tank top with the work boots [laughs]. I loved the 80s and I’m really inspired by Vivienne Westwood – that punk, retro, old-school Sex Pistols era.

Are you a roll-out-of-bed kind of girl or do you have a regime?
If it’s just a day of shopping, then forget about it! Take a shower, five minutes make-up and hair, then I’m out the door. But if I’ve got meetings, I like to take my time.

Your online make-up range BM Beauty is in stores this summer, what is your favourite piece?
Fingers crossed. It’s all natural make-up; I can’t leave home without my nude lip glosses, so my make-up bag is filled with them.

What is the most you’ve ever spent on a single item of clothing?
Yikes! Well, I would say about $5,000 on a Louis Vuitton long winter coat or my Louis Vuitton over-the-knee black boots. They were about $2,500, which is a lot to spend on shoes but I’d wanted them since I was a kid!

Have you ever bought something, then tried it on and realised it is a complete disaster?
Those moments happen to me quite often. I like to try new things, so I’ll go to vintage shops with this great concept in my head, put something on and I’m like, this is not you at all. Nice try [laughs].

Something that definitely suits you is your role at MOVE IT in March. What is it all about? Is it just for dance enthusiasts?
I met a really good friend of mine, Chris at Dancers Inc, and we thought it would be really good if I could join them. It’s such a visual masterpiece to get lost in, and whether you are a dancer or not, I feel people will find a new appreciation.

You’ve been massively successful musically with the Pussycat Dolls, how do you feel about that time?
I loved my era with the girls, but at some point you have to realise you’ve got to be true to yourself and make some of the toughest decisions ever. I had the chance to create my own band, Her Majesty & The Wolves; it was great to be a part of the production process and create an awesome album. I miss the dolls, I fucking love them to pieces, but it’s time for me to do me.

Is it important to set an example to the fans who still support you?
Fans see the covers, TV, all the music, but they don’t always have the chance to get to know the person. The only way I can be true to myself is to live and be the example – talk the talk, but you’ve got to walk the walk.

Follow Kimberly on Twitter @KimberlyKWyatt and see what she got u to at MOVE IT, March 9-11 HERE