
The workplace is a second home for most people, especially if it’s a nine to five job. Lots of employees spend more than half of their day heading to work, staying in the office, taking lunch and dinner breaks, and getting home.

It’s problematic to merge your comfort of being around friends to being around workmates. There are issues of unprofessionalism and even unproductivity where there shouldn’t be, but the isolation of feeling alone at work is the worst demotivator.

Bringing together people in the workplace can be an exciting endeavour whether you’re the boss of the company or just the ‘new guy’ in the office. Gathering people together to relax and be comfortable with each other seems to be a page out of a book in getting a class of middle school children to get to know each other, but it’s a page that can help with both your personal and work ethic.

Building motivation and camaraderie

Having a safe workspace is a huge factor when it comes to employee productivity. More and more employees are leaning towards working on their hours, being present only in the office to work and heading home right after. Building friendships in the workplace is a challenging task, but it’s one that has a lot of benefits that can be a source of staff empowerment. Being in a safe place with people that know you besides merely being a workmate won’t just allow you to be at peace with your job, you’ll also be comfortable working on better terms with people that you can trust.

Extending help to HR

Unfortunately, not all companies have great HR especially when it comes to start-ups. Even big companies have trouble in dealing with company disarray especially if there’s internal conflict. If you’re looking to improve the mood around the workplace, it’s a smart step to put your best foot forward and take the initiative in asking around and setting up a small bonding circle of your own. Once you’ve found a place that you’re comfortable with, you can expand your circle to involve not just the cubicles next door but also from the other floors of the building. It won’t just help you to get acquainted with your co-workers, you’ll also be able to get to know them outside the workspace.

Finding the right activities to bond with

Once you’ve decided on bringing the workplace together, there are a lot of creative team building activities to choose from that’ll allow you to have fun by working together or just enjoying each other’s company. For starters, watching a movie is one of the easiest ways to get people to start talking if you’re not too sure about each other’s interests.  Once you’ve bickered and argued about the film after watching, you can then move on to more exciting activities such as bowling, skiing, and even taking a trip to the countryside on holiday.

If you’re a little concerned with how to deal with finding the right activity to bond with, some takeout food and a few bottles of beer will do the trick for any event.
