Flavour Magazine tells you about new BBC TV show

Have you ever dreamt about working around fine food & quality drink? And speaking to a diverse range of people?

Then this new BBC show will be for you.

We are looking for people from across the UK, from a wide variety of backgrounds, who have yet to find their direction in life. We are looking for people who, we believe, have the potential, enthusiasm, character and skills to become top waiters. We are looking for people who are comfortable being filmed and who we think the audience will best relate to – so we will be taking lots of different qualities into account when we chose the final 8 trainees.

The final 8 trainees will receive 8 weeks’ intensive training as waiters and wine waiters with some of London’s finest front-of-house staff. The aim is to help them build the confidence and skills they need to secure a good job in the restaurant industry.

Be mentored by the top restaurateurs and get the opportunity to take up a 6 month placement in major restaurants and hotels.

These placements will be overseen by the leading not-for profit body who organise training for front of house staff. They are intended to be launch-pads for successful careers in some of the country’s top restaurants.

If you are aged between 17-30 and want to find out more or apply online go to www.ricochet.co.uk ‘Take Part’ or call 01273 224 824.
www.ricochet.co.uk / www.millionmedia.net


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