Mid last year if the name Dua Lipa was put to you it is highly likely you would first think-‘unusual name’ before admitting with a quizzical look that you have no idea who this person is.

The truth is that the gorgeous Dua was relatively unknown as a singer/songwriter at the time. Come late last year and the future soulful sounds of her debut (of sorts) the anthemic New Love and it was clear that 19 year old Londoner was a fresh new name to place on your burgeoning playlist. Her soulful smoky delivery was again swiftly heard on her next release the equally brilliant (yet different) Be The One.

Both tracks evidently reinforced her growing positive credentials and her appearance on the BBC Sound of 2016 long list was no surprise. Of course Jack Garret went on to win but surely on her current trajectory Dua could be a potential winner.

With that Flavour got a little time with Dua for a short one to one to look at her gorgeous features oh and of course interview her (ahem).

What is the background on your musical journey to date?

I’ve been surrounded by music my whole life. My father is a musician and I grew up listening to his music and music that he and my mother loved. I loved performing and subsequently attended theatre school through primary and secondary school. Eventually I started dropping covers on YouTube, met my manager Ben and hey since then I’ve been to the studio everyday since! 

Have you been surprised that people have been quick to call you the next big thing-is it a bit overwhelming?

It’s the best thing in the world! It came so fast as the biggest surprise. The love and support has been so insane! I’m humbled by it all.

It must have been amazing to be on the BBC Long list?

Over the moon! It’s a huge milestone for me. Especially because it’s such early days for people to believe in me like they have done so far means the world to me! 

dua lipa

I loved your sound when I first heard New Love-banging-explain a bit about that track and where it comes in terms of your discography thus far?

I wrote New Love in New York with Andrew Wyatt and Emile Haynie. It’s a song very close to my heart and means a lot to me. It’s got the darkness to it that a lot of the songs in the album have! 

Your current bit of output with that video is sublime as well-please tell me more about that?

Thank you that means a lot! I shot that with my friend Nicole Nodland. She directed it. She also directed New Love. We always have the best fun together and we were on the same page about the ideas and we always get such great work done together! I LOVE HER! 

How was working with Haynie?

He’s great such an energy about him! We get on really well and there’s just no pressure in the studio-it just works! 

What’s on the agenda for 2016 then and indeed what can I expect when I hopefully get to talk to you again in 6 months?

More shows, new music + videos! I’m excited! 2016 is very exciting! I can’t wait.

Anything you want to add that I may not have asked you?
