Don’t be fooled by its dark and depressing title, you can’t get better than a British romantic comedy and Everyone’s Going To Die easily slots into that fold.

Ray (Rob Knighton), a man in his 50s, returns to his seaside hometown for the first time in years, with a dodgy job to do, a dead brother to visit and old ghosts to confront. There he meets a young, foreign girl, Melanie (Nora Tschirner) having her own crisis. They connect, and despite his murky past and her complicated present, help each other find a way forward.

We follow these two lost characters over the space of 24 hours after they befriend each other in a greasy cafe in the seaside home of Ray, both at a place in their lives were they are unhappy with the path they are leading. With each conversation the couple find themselves quietly becoming attracted to each other, the script surrounding these characters blossoming romance is unforced and seems to take quite a natural path, making this such an easy watch.

The great thing about Everyone’s Going to Die is even though it may be a romantic comedy it refreshingly isn’t full of that sickly sweet unrealistic lovey dovey crap movie land forces down your throat. It’s full of melancholy both visually and via its script but laced with deadpan humour that keeps you chuckling.


We are also given moments of the surreal throughout the film which is delivered quite brilliantly, not just because of the fantastic scriptwriting but from superb understated performances from both the main characters. There is one scene where Ray’s sister in-law thinks her cat is the reincarnation of Ray’s dead brother and they commence to have a conversation with the cat. You can’t help but laugh as Rob Knighton delivers such a fine performance aided with a deadpan look on his face, how he kept a straight face is beyond me.

Rob Knighton is certainly one to watch out for, even though he only took his first steps into the limelight as a model four years ago, quickly moving into acting his performance is simply amazing, he really seems to have taken to acting like he has been doing it all his life.  He is certainly one to watch out for.

Everyone’s Going To Die is a surprisingly original, quirky and fresh story, beautifully shot, with moments of dark comedy that will not fail in bringing a smile to your face.

Everyone’s Going To Die is out in UK Cinemas 26th June.