London born mummy, graphic designer and entreprenuer Davina is the owner and founder of Beenie Buds & Co a company that sells quality kidswear and fun accessories. Flavour’s fashion assistant Reeya Milhorta sat down with the businesswoman to talk fashion and children.

Please tell us a bit about the beeniebudsandco business. When was it founded and what was was your inspiration behind it? Beeniebuds&co started off as a blog in January 2010, as a first time mummy I found myself searching for fun and practical kids products daily so I decided to set a blog up. Our blog is simple and inspirational, it shows the graphic side and parenting knowledge. Giving parents a variety of buying ideas. Since the blog launched in January the response we received from the blog has been endless. is in the finals for a top parent award event, so on those strengths we decided to create an online store selling the things we loved, which was featured on the blog and things we have found along the way.

Is there any special meaning behind the company name? My late grandmother called my little brother beeniebud as he was very small for his age! I thought this would be a great name for our kidswear store.

Take us through an average working day in your shoes? I have a little beeniebud myself so I make sure all is well with her. Checking the store for orders, checking emails and catching up on my to do list which never seems to end! Thinking of new promotion ideas for the store and ways on improving the store.

Where do you draw inspiration from? From the company blog, kidwear trade shows and everyday fashion.

Do you have any special plans for the beeniebudsandco future?We are working on the beeniebuds&co brand. Our first step is to create the one thing kids love to wear, T-shirts. Working closely with my little sister Justina Bailey who is an amazing Graphic Designer/Illustrator. Designing some fun, simple and colourful T-shirts.

Are there any highlights of running your own business? All the creativity is based on my ideas.

What about the challenges you’ve stumbled upon? So many amazing up and coming brands for spring/summer 2012 collection, it was hard selecting a shortlist for our store.

What has been your proudest moment at beeniebudsandco so far? All the positive feedback and sells that is coming our way. Research and networking is the top of our list.

In five years, where do you think beaniebudsandco will be? Within the next five years I want the beeniebuds&co brand to be known worldwide. Steps on getting there is to keep doing what we are doing and expanding a little of our creative flair each day.

What have been the keys to success in your business? What do you believe are the keys to success? Finding something we love and turning it into something real.

Lastly, where can we buy the lovely beaniebudsandco merchandise from? Available to buy at Happy Shopping!

Words Reeya Milhorta