A photo of a deflated balloon with a smiley face on it

The mind to gut connection is real – the saying you are what you eat relates to this connection. Click here to learn how metabolism influences your mood.

Some people are blessed with a speedy metabolism that digests food within hours. Others are plagued with a sluggish metabolism that leads to bloating, fatigue, and, as a result, a bit of a blue mindset. There’s actually science behind this. Your gut responds to emotional signals from your brain and vice versa. Similarly, slow metabolism and a less than healthy diet can send negative emotional waves to your brain.

With that in mind, if you’ve been feeling blue and can’t put your finger on why – it could be your metabolism and diet. Read on to learn about the connection between mental health and metabolism and how to improve both.

Metabolism And Mood

A sluggish metabolism leads to a sluggish mind. Science proves that a well-balanced metabolism leads to a well-balanced mind. Similarly, recent research has proven that metabolic disturbances cause major depressive episodes. Metabolism does more than metabolize your food.

Closely linked to slow metabolism and unwanted emotions, the food you eat and how your body digests it play a big part in how you feel. A diet high in saturated fats and sugars combined with a slow metabolism that fails to convert the food into energy quickly will leave anyone feeling bloated, groggy, and low mood. All those toxins and processed ingredients sit within the gut for longer than they should, excreting all the unwanted salts, fats, sugars, and enzymes into the bloodstream.

Speeding Up A Slow Metabolism

The best way to speed up a slow metabolism is to eat a clean diet and avoid foods which cause bloating. The list of foods that induce bloating can seem somewhat endless – but the general rule of thumb is to avoid foods with a low nutritional value and are instead high in saturated fats and sugars.

Curveball incoming – certain healthy foods also cause bloating. Broccoli, lentils, cabbage, and sprouts induce bloating thanks to their high fiber makeup. Interestingly, although these foods cause bloating, they are designed to speed up metabolism. The body can’t break down fiber – which is why you might feel bloated after eating high-fiber foods, but it tries to, which burns calories and speeds up metabolism.

Foods Nutritionists and Dieticians Recommend You Eat

The right dietary balance that speeds up the metabolism and reduces the unwanted side effects of slow metabolism, like bloating and sluggishness, might sound confusing. Fear not – nutritionists and dieticians have shared their pearls of wisdom that should help anyone find the right balance between foods that aid digestion without amplifying the feelings of a sluggish metabolism. Here are some of the foods they recommend anyone eat:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Dairy

Look for foods high in protein. A protein-rich diet rather than a fiber-rich one can speed up the metabolism without the unwanted bloating that fiber brings.

There are numerous causes for slow metabolism. For most people, it’s genetics, but diet choices and lifestyle play a big part. In addition to focusing on diet, experts also recommend vitamins like vitamin B and D, which aid digestion. What changes can you make to improve your metabolism?

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