lynnike sefaLynnike and Sefa are young, female dj’s/presenters that bring their unique sense of fun in what they do. Flavour caught up with fifty percent of this dynamic duo (Lynikke) to talk dj’ing and presenting.

How did you get into DJ’ing?
We started out as radio presenters, after meeting at university and realised we shared a serious passion for music and radio broadcasting. Then in early 2009, we decided to try our hand at DJing as well. We attended a short course at an East London college which taught us the basics, we then started getting lessons here and there from our DJ mates. Eventually, it got to the point where relying on others became a bit of a pain, so we decided to buy some CD decks of our own, which would mean we would never have to rely on someone else again. We became bedroom DJ’s and practiced everyday until we got the hang of it.

Why did you not take on a fancy dj name?
We dabbled with many different dj names and nothing at all would stick. At one point, we thought we hit the jackpot with a name we had thought up, but when another DJ asked us for our new name, we literally could not, or would not repeat it. We were left to conclude that our new name (which took forever to think of), Soul Sistaz was definitely not the one! We decided to keep it simple and continue using our real names.

Is vinyl a dying art and what do you like about the whole vinyl aspect?
We wouldn’t say vinyl is a dying art because there are many DJ’s who refuse to use anything but vinyl when they play. However, there are so many other ways of dj’ing now that it is literally a matter of preference. We actually learnt to DJ using vinyl, but the thought of breaking our backs and struggling to carry records to each booking wasn’t really appealing. So we decided CD’s were the preferred method for us.

What’s great and not so great about the UK scene at the moment?
The great thing about the scene is that it is flourishing! UK talent is well and truly on the map and it is so refreshing to be a part of that. As DJ’s you’re in a very privileged position to be able to help shape the future of urban music, so we love that at the moment. There is nothing that’s not great t the moment!

In your genre who do you think is the best dj (apart from yourself) and why?
DJ Melody Kane is a fantastic DJ. She is repping for the ladies and she is a great girl. Also, there is a dj collective called Big Business, those guys are superb! They know exactly what to play and when to play it.

What’s your style of dj’g/presenting?
We don’t discriminate! In terms of our presenting/ hosting, we like to keep it fun, fresh, energetic and at times a little cheeky (just like us).

Who are the top three artists/producers/managers right now for you?
Top 3 artists at the moment are Wretch32, Trey Songz and a fierce female emcee, Lioness

What projects are you up to right now for 2011?
We are focusing on securing more DJ bookings and club residencies around the UK. We hope to build a name for ourselves as the top female dj’s.

Words by Semper Azeez-Harris