Flavour’s weekly top viral’s

See our collection of the best viral video’s this week


With the release of the new Call of Duty game stuck in the minds of many a teenage boy and those with the spirit of the teenager, one of Flavour’s Viral’s of the week this week is this comical advert for the new gaming release.


Already reaching the number one spot before and now racing to the front again we celebrate Florence and the machines triumph by having their performance on Xfactors Live results show as one of Flavour’s Viral’s of the week.

Pop Gossip

After a lot of news on Beiber this week with his freestyle rap over the track Otis and the allegation he was a daddy we make this video one of Flavour’s Viral’s of the week to give Justin himself a chance to clear things up.

Something Different

Have you ever wondered if everything is a just some crazy conspiracy? Have you ever thought “Hey I wonder what Snoop Dogg thinks on this controversial situation?” If the answer to these questions is yes than don’t miss this! One of Flavour’s viral’s of the week.


After his death from liver cancer Flavour has this video as one of Flavour’s Viral’s of the week in memory of Smokin Joe (Frazier) a boxing legend being the first man to beat Muhammah Ali in Ali’s professional career.


By Charlie Massey

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