It’s undeniable, Jude Law is scrumptious. However it might take a bit more than two step to convince us to part with our “Money can’t buy” boat, even if being performed by Law himself.

We will suspend our disbelief for the sake of this beautifully shot film, called ‘The Gentleman’s Wager’, Jude plays a man who seemingly has it all but strives for something more. Shot in exceedingly beautiful locations, including the British Virgin Islands, after watching you’ll yearn for a week away on a yacht, in the Caribbean, sipping Blue Label whisky.

Commenting on his role and involvement in the film, Law says: “The film is about improvement and progress and this is something I try to do in my work and my everyday life. I had to learn new skills shooting this film and that combined with the places we visited and shot in, alongside working with Jake and with Giancarlo, made it a truly rare experience.”

We’re now eagerly awaiting part two…..”The Story”
