Fitness expert Simon Howard, walks you through this boxercise fitness workout, featuring the stunning fitness model Claire Aves. Check out the video above, and you can also download the full workout PDF here:


claire-aves-boxingClaire Aves

How often do you work out?
I work out at least 4 times a week in the gym and I do boxing training twice a week and wrestling training once a week.

Tell us about your exercise regime?
Monday I train ABs in the morning and then legs and bum in the evening, Tuesday I train arms in the gym and then boxing training in the evening, Wednesday I do boxing training, Thursdays Abs again AM, and metabolic circuit, Friday Boxing, Saturday Wrestling.

Would you say you eat healthily?
Yes i eat generally healthy. I have lots of chicken, brown rice, brochilli, Lamb mince, vegetables, BUT I do have a very sweet tooth 🙂 I love my brownies and sweets, I do limit these to a minimum but im not going to say I avoid them completely. I train hard and I am lucky enough for it to not effect me.

What food could you not live without?
CHICKEN I love this food and it is so healthy for you. Full of protein and tastes yummy 🙂

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start working out?
Give your self a goal, something to aim towards, for example losing X amount of weight in 4 weeks time , give yourself achievable goals. If you don’t feel confidant in the gym you can do online live classes, use fitness dvds, anything is better then nothing and its a platform to start.

Follow Simon on twitter @SNHFOTO and Claire Aves @Clairesavesfitness