Unemployment is at an all-time high leaving school-leavers and graduates down in the dumps and overly concerned about their future. Look no further because ‘The Intern’ is here, this book is a great read and will assure you everything will be A-okay! I grabbed a quick 10 mins with Dillon Khan to find out a bit more about the book.

Tell us about the book?
Some are calling it the must read book for this summer and who am I to argue with them. The Intern is ‘The Devil Wears Prada for Music Television’. Jay, the main character, leaves university with a piece of paper and a heap of debt. Unemployed and quickly losing all hope he finally lands his dream job for the world’s biggest music channel, The Beat. With the velvet rope lifted, he is thrust into a glamourous world of VIP parties as well as early starts and late finishes. He has 6 months to turn his intern dream into a reality with a full time gig against 5 other interns all vying for the same job. 

What inspired you to write the book?
I had wanted to write a book ever since I was 8 years old. Fast forward to 16 and I was working at WHSmith and I wondered why I still didn’t have a book on their shelves. Finally in 2009 I sat by my laptop with all the ideas I’d amassed over the years and thought “its now or never”. Over the years I’d mentored students at my old school and was always asked how to make it in the media industry. From there The Intern was born. The book is packed to the brim with stories and anecdotes and is dedicated to interns past, present and future.  I’ve mixed some of my experiences with those of others to give the reader a real insight into the world of TV.

What advice would you give to people who have had their fair share of interning, but still struggle to lock down full time employment?
I’d say that experience is very important to most employers so well done for having amassed a valuable currency in the job market. Now its time to use that currency to move up to the next level. You have to highlight to perspective employers what you’ve learned and what you can bring to them. Its a tough jobs market so you have to think outside the box on how to make yourself stand out. Isolate the key companies you want to work for, find out who the head honchos are and target them personally. Ask to meet for a coffee and charm them with your knowledge of their company and what they could be doing.  But the biggest advice is persevere. For more tips go to my website www.theintern.co.uk where leaders of industry give their top 5 tips on how to make it in their profession and give some really good insights into what employers look for.

Having worked at MTV its only right that Dillon gives us his Top 5 Songs to help you get an internship.

R Kelly ‘I believe I can fly‘. Firstly you need belief and self confidence that you are good enough to get the job you want. Once you have this proceed to the next level.

Rick Ross ‘Hustling’. You’ve got to hustle in the jobs market. Its very competitive so you need to be working harder than the next candidate. Ensure your CV and covering letter are spot on, you have a list of companies you want to work for and the head honchos name. Then start the process of making contact.

Aaliyah ‘Try Again’.  Having sent 20 applications off and having been rejected from half and not heard back from the other half you’ll feel very sorry for yourself. Most people would. But what separates the winners from the losers are those that dust themselves off and try again.

Eminem ‘Lose Yourself’. When invited for an interview be ready to lose yourself in that one moment and do not miss your chance to blow. Be prepared with your knowledge about the company, your ideas and how your previous experiences will come in useful in your new job.

Black Eyed Peas ‘Lets Get it Started’. Once you get the work experience or internship that’s when the real work begins. Work hard, be on time and be professional.  Network and get to know as many people as possible. Make a good impression and if there’s not a position for you in one department they’ll remember you should there be one in another part of the company. Once you’re in, its easier to move around than be back on the outside.

”The Intern’ is full of ideas and tips and I suggest all young people looking for work experience and internships go there for some secret tips to help them on their way.’ Says Dillon

Follow Dillon on Twitter @dillonkhan