sofa fabrics for kids and babies

Kids and new sofas don’t mix. Muddy shoes on the seat, cushions removed for building forts, jumping, scratching, and generally abusing the furniture – it’s hard to keep a new sofa looking that way for long. But that’s unless you consider a new sofa with child-friendly fabric.

The best sofa fabrics for families with young children and babies are hard-wearing, stain-resistant, and virtually indestructible, along with being in a colour that suits your living room. It may seem like a lot to ask, but your new sofa really can withstand the demands of family life. You just need to know what you are looking for.

Here are a few of the best fabrics we’ve found for sofas that are suitable for life with kids and babies.


You may not associate leather with a kid-friendly sofa, but in actual fact, it is the ideal fabric for a family. The main reason why a leather sofa is so practical is that you can wipe it clean. Any spills can be removed effortlessly. And a leather sofa can be casual as well as highly elegant, meaning you can choose the look you want for your living room. It is hard-wearing and will last for decades. So you can set your heart on a classic Chesterfield sofa, even with young children in the picture.


Using wool for a sofa covering is a great choice for a family. Wool or wool-blend sofas are wonderfully soft and come in a variety of enticing colours. They are also highly durable – a great asset when it comes to withstanding the rigours of family use. Wool doesn’t snag or wrinkle as badly as some other fabrics and it is easy to clean. Using a vacuum cleaner is a good way to keep the surface dust-free.


A microfibre sofa is automatically easier to keep clean. This is because microfibre fabric is stain resistant and can also be easily cleaned. There is a variety of different microfibre finishes on the market, including smooth weaves and more coarse finishes. There are a few of these fabrics that can’t be cleaned with just water, but most are washable, and many are machine washable without any problems.


If you don’t have the budget for genuine leather, vinyl is a good option. It is easy to clean, like leather; you can simply spray it with water and clean away any spills. It may not be as comfortable as a fabric surface, but it will make a difference to how long the sofa lasts.


A denim sofa could be the focal point in your living room. If you haven’t considered this fabric for a sofa, take a second look. It is durable and withstands all kinds of day to day pressures. Denim is also available in a variety of colours so it will work with all kinds of décor schemes.

Whatever sofa fabric you choose, ensure that you help your sofa last as long as possible by following the manufacturer’s care instructions and applying stain-resistant solutions where appropriate.