Is you home keeping you single? 10 tips to “Relationship Ready” your house

In order to get sex men will pretty much turn a blind eye to any kind of household, you can live up a tree or under a bridge and a guy will still find you a perfectly acceptable bed partner.

But when it comes to choosing a life partner men can be very practical, and the most practical question of all is, can I live with this person?

Our home is a reflection of ourselves, whether you’re a neat freak or a messy Jessy, your potential partner will judge your home and assess whether it’s a space they want to spend time in or indeed you’re a person they want to spend time with. Your home gives a lot away about your character and even if you are still only presenting your best representative on dates when you invite your new gentleman into your home for the first time remember they will be carefully looking for clues (even subconsciously) to sum up more about your character.

Here are 10 tips to ensure your home is relationship ready.

1. The very basic fundamental, Keep it clean. You never know when there might be a passing visit so have a good clear out so that clutter is avoided, no knickers on the bathroom floor or hanging on radiators. Keep on top of emptying the bins and anything else that might present a nasty smell on arrivals like bleach or pets. Homes that smell like hospitals or pet shops are romance killers, even animal lovers don’t want to be hit with the stench of dog when entering your home for the first time. Invest in scented candles and aromatherapy oils that make your house smell like a 5-star spa.

2. Keep a vase of fresh cut flowers prominently placed, which of course not only add to the great smell of your home but give the impression that you are a romantic, girlie girl that appreciates such things. He will be inclined to buy you flowers in the future because he knows how much you like them.

3. Photos and mementoes are a great talking point and also offer a sense of your character. Strategically place pictures from your favourite holidays (not with another boyfriend in the shot of course) and awe-inspiring achievements like climbing a mountain or running a marathon, your awesomeness shouldn’t just be for your Facebook wall. But avoid photos with much better-looking friends or celebrities, you want to look like the most amazing one in your group but not a try hard. If you’re stuck for images that capture you doing anything amazing then it’s probably time you went out there and did some before looking for a boyfriend.

4. Strategically place something sexy. French ladies have the art of the boudoir perfected, a negligé hanging over a bedroom door or a sexy silk robe in the bathroom is a great way to innocently portray your sex appeal. Even a pair of ridiculously high red heals that you never wear could be left out to tantalize him and give a much better impression than you Uggs. You can be sure he’ll be thinking about you wearing those long after he’s left.

5. Keep your house in good working order. A wonky curtain rail, a missing door handle, sometimes we live with these small broken items so long that we forget their existence. Living like this, you will give two impressions, that you’re a breaker and he will think if he gets into a relationship with a breaker it’s not long before his stuff is also broken, secondly that you need help getting your shit together and will become a totally needy girlfriend, guys really don’t like that.

6. Stock the fridge. The most basic human expression of nurture is to feed others, so have some lovely little treats to offer. We are all impressed with people who seem a little out of our league so show off your tastes for the finer things with foods he’s otherwise probably not eat but will really like. Turkish delights look fantastic on a silver tray as do truffles, keep some good wine or Champagne and delectable exotic juices to offer. Let him buy into your lifestyle that is sophisticated and elegant. Stimulate all his senses while he’s in your environment for maximum impact.

7. Lighting is key to comfort. Once you’re passed student digs, a scarf over a lamp is not acceptable. Soft lighting in the home is akin to adding your favourite Instagram filter to yourself. Lamps make much prettier light than overhead bulbs, as can candles. However don’t go OTT with candles, it’s not meant to bring to mind a gothic honeymoon, be sure to have the matches readily available so the whole lighting process is effortless and you’re a woman that’s just got this stuff under control.

8. Who can forget sounds? It’s pretty standard to play music when entertaining a romantic guest. However don’t be caught out with your iPod’s workout mix on shuffle, you’ll then end up flapping around trying to find something good, asking him if he likes this or that. Realistically he doesn’t care what music you play, men are turned on by a confident woman and if you have similar tastes in music great! If not he’ll appreciate being taking on a musical journey, even if you have a penchant for Country or a passion for Dub Step. You’re in your house to show him the beat of your drum and he’ll appreciate your swagger.

9. Books and art are much better to display than knockoff DVD’s and magazines. Let him know you take interest in the world around you, men are turned off by women whose heads are full of celebrity gossip and shallow desires and want to talk to them about Katie Price’s latest husband. Don’t fake an interest in Monet if it’s not your thing but do look at finding some art pieces or prints that you like and a display some of your favourite books on shelves, even just one by the bed is an improvement on the latest issue of Heat.

10. Get rid of childish things. You’re a woman now so behave as such. Teddy bears, dolls, a Hello Kitty bedspread is not acceptable. Unless you’re going after a guy who has a fetish for teenage girls you need to ensure your home is not a shrine to your childhood years. Woman up and take down any pictures of sad kittens or daft mantras that call into question your emotional stability.

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