If you are looking at your photos and aren’t happy with the condition of your skin, you should consider changing your lifestyle a little. Almost every young girl suffers from a lack of confidence due to problematic skin.

Except for the rare cases when the cause of the problem is hormonal disruption, acne and other flaws can be fixed with proper care and a healthy regime. Here are some tips to prove you don’t need expensive treatments to look irresistible.

Drink more water

We all know how important it is to drink enough water per day. However, unfortunately, few people follow this vital rule. Water normalizes metabolism, removes toxins, and also cleanses our skin from the inside, nourishes it, and prevents dehydration. Replace juices, coffee, and other sugary drinks with water and you will see improvement in just a few weeks.

How to get perfect skin and fall in love with your selfies

Don’t touch your face with your hands during the day

During the day, we touch thousands of different objects indoors and outdoors. Nevertheless, even thorough hand washing does not kill all bacteria. If you frequently touch your face with your hands, you can easily provoke acne. Control yourself and don’t make this mistake.

Proper diet

The beauty of our skin depends on our diet. It’s very important to include lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, meat, and fatty fish, and also try to reduce your intake of flour, fatty, sweet, hot and spicy foods. Coffee and black tea make the skin look dull.

Find the right care products

Choose the right cosmetics that include the main stages of facial care: cleansing, toning and moisturizing, and containing natural ingredients that prevent drying out. Choose scrubs carefully. Products with large, pointed particles can significantly damage delicate skin. Peels and delicate scrubs suitable for all skin types.

Find the right care products

Wash pillows, towels and pillowcases

Change them at least once a week. The same goes for face towels. Particles of dead skin cells remain on the villi and create a favourable environment for bacteria to multiply.


We need sun protection creams not only in summer but also at any other time of the year when we’re going out. Ultraviolet rays harm the skin, causing premature wrinkles and age spots.

The secret to perfect selfies

It’s hard to be perfect in a photo when the camera points out all the flaws. To make your selfies look like the images of influencers and models in the magazine, use RetouchMe app. The application has everything you need for skin editing and even more. Take care of the condition of your skin not only in life but also in the photo.

Image via Unsplash