I see the sun and is that warm weather? Yes, the count down has started, bring out your summer colour, short skirts, shorts and scandals it’s time to achieve your Summer Body.

Now I know you may have tried different diets before and they may not have worked or maybe they did and you learnt something. Here is my foolproof Diet (if you like to call it that), to help you get into those skinny jeans or that killer dress. Let’s Do This!!

First the clean out:

As we are in spring it’s time to do a clear out of your kitchen and office cupboard. Get rid of all items that do not serve you purpose i.e. “Get you to your summer body “

Items to throw away: sweets, crisp and packs of chocolate bars.

Swap it with mixed nuts with chocolate pieces so you can still get your fix and lose weight. For crisp you can have popcorn there are many brands, my favourite is Propercorn sexy and lush and that’s what you want to be feeling.

Ladies and gentleman for some reason or another many people don’t want to drink water. “Do you know water is your friend, yes it has magical powers like clear skin, weight loss and energy and when you think your hungry often your actually thirstily so drink up. Drink 2 litres a day add some fruits to it mix it up. You want a summer body, drink your water. Simples.


Lean meats
Now we all know there is so much information about Protein, Protein shake, protein bars, protein powders and just Meat!! You need protein so just mix up. In a week have 2- 3 proteins of 1 red meat and 2 poultry. Keep it lean have meat that has a fat content under 5% fat and cut off any visible fat.

salmon. jpg

You should eat 2-3 portions of fish per week. 1-2 portions should be oily fish like salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel and sardine etc. when cooking use fresh ingredients to flavour the dish, lemongrass and chilli, tomato and herb, citrus and thyme and so on.

FMG Nutrition tip: When serving your main meals protein sources should be the second serving right after your vegetables or you can get meal kits from spicentice

Dairy products
You can have other sources for milk such as almond milk, coconut milk and soya etc. the trick is to get the calcium and other nutrients needed without gaining the unnecessary fat. For cheese i.e. cheddar cheese you only need a matchbox size which is 30g, use this as an added flavour to the dish. Studies show calcium-rich foods can help with weight loss.


Nuts and seeds
I know you may be thinking now she going to turn me into a bird or better yet a squirrel, what do you think the number issue with weight loss? I’ll tell you SNACKING!! Think of all of those snacks that kept you away from achieving your summer body, now it’s time to get better snacks that will serve your purpose of getting the summer body you deserve. So stock up on your seeds and nuts like almonds, walnut, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, linseed seed and sesame seeds not only will they give you an energy boost but they also part an important role in the neurotransmitter responsible for confidence, motivation and energy, so as Snickers say “ Get some NUTS”.


Beans, pulse and lentils- did you know these ingredients are a good source of protein, fibre and other amazing vitamins. You can get full yes I said it get full on these ingredients. Plus you can eat as many of them as you want. Add some spice and mix it up with different dressings and homemade sauce, you will turn these simple beans and lentils into something bean-len-ful!

First and foremost you can have carbs but for the purpose of this diet let eat more complex carbs like sweet potato, new potatoes, rice noodles, bulgur wheat, quinoa and couscous. You can have white basmati rice just try to eat a smaller amount like 3tbsp. Sweet potato is good for your skin, it’s one of the essential ingredients for healthy glowing and youthful skin.

Fruit and Vegetables
You see these two meet your new best friend’s yay! you can eat as many vegetables and fruit in that order as you want, have you’re ever noticed why most vegans are slim it’s because of these two. If you had 400g of meat, 400g of fruits and vegetables and 400g of oil, out of the 3 the fruit and vegetable would give you more quantity than the other two plus chances are you may be hungry after. Your two new best friends want you to feel refreshed and amazing. You want to really lose weight, eat more fruit and vegetables.

FMG Nutrition Tip: When serving your meals, serve the vegetables 1st taking up most of the plate then add the protein a smaller amount followed by the carbohydrate also with a couple of glasses of flavoured water. Watch the weight just fall off. Skinny jeans and shorts here I come.

If you want a 2-week plan to really get the ball rolling check out www.fmgnutrition.com 2 week eBook with sexy lush meals that will keep you full and help you maintain your ideal weight