ayurveda pura london

Ayurveda Pura is founded on Ayurveda the ancient holistic health system of India, which provides for excellent health, both physical and mental, by creating harmony between a person’s body and nature.

We spoke to Dr Deepa Apte Director of Ayurveda Pura London, to find out exactly what her job entails and what experience we would need to have a job like hers.

Dr Deepa Apte photoWhat does your job role entail?

Here is a little biography about myself: I founded Ayurveda Pura in 2003 in London because I wanted to share with the people in the West, the wonderful, ancient science of Ayurveda. I am director of Ayurveda Pura Health Spa and Beauty Centre where I run my practice from offering consultations, individual Yoga sessions and workshops. We also make and distribute a wide range of holistic wellbeing products which include herbal teas, beauty products and health supplements which are sold all over the world.

As part of my job I lecture widely on the subject of Ayurveda and Yoga, write articles for magazines, as well as lecturing at various international health and wellbeing exhibitions.

Describe your working day or week?

My typical working day varies quite a lot because I work both on weekdays and weekends and hence each week or day could be very different. As well as working as a Doctor and therapist at my Ayurvedic health spa in London, I am the director and founder of a company that manufactures Ayurvedic products, from herbal teas to massage oils and spa supplies. I also run an academy that trains Ayurvedic practitioners and yoga teachers, I’m the executive director on the committee of the Ayurvedic Practitioners Association, and I’m writing a book. Plus I do a fair bit of travelling round the globe, giving lectures and seminars.

What key skills do you need to do your job?

As it’s all about running a company and business, I need to have determination, focus and commitment. I believe in never letting go of an opportunity. On the other hand, being a medical doctor and Ayurvedic practitioner, it’s all about patience, endurance and being positive. And yet when teaching and as a teacher, it’s all about enthusiasm, creativity and organisation.

What made you decide to go for this job role?

I come from a family and background in India where Ayurveda has been followed as a tradition in the family. Be it the festivals or various ceremonies that take place at home for example weddings etc, they are all based on Ayurvedic principles. Therefore I was introduced to this great science as a child. Growing up, I studied general medicine to become a medical doctor. After I completed my medical studies I went back to studying Ayurveda as it was the one science that intrigued me the most because it’s not just a science or philosophy, it’s a way of life aiming towards true health balance and harmony.

Best part of your job?

The freedom and ability to be able to various things makes it very interesting. There is never a dull moment. I am either travelling or teaching, or doing consultations, talking to students, designing products. So all in all, every part is the best part.

Worst part of your job?

I do love what I do. So can’t really say that there is worse bit to my job. Every bit is an experience. If there were worse parts to the job, I don’t think I would be doing what I am doing.

Most memorable moment at work?

The most memorable moment was when my company/spa won the National Spa of The Year Award at the English Hair and Beauty Awards. We were up against many other leading spas and companies so it was a sense of achievement and recognition that really helped.

If I’m choosing a course to study, what type of course suits this job best?

The best courses to do are either an Ayurvedic Diet Lifestyle Consultant Course or an Ayurvedic Therapist Course.

Does work experience really help you to get the dream job?

The kind of work I do, some amount of experience is required. Practicing Ayurveda and Yoga as a profession needs a good foundation and experience.

Give us a tip on how to steal your job.

The most important tip from my side would be to believe in what you do and enthusiasm and passion is key. Every time I talk about Ayurveda to be people, I have been told, each and every time ‘Deepa, just through the way you talk about your work, it shows that you completely enjoy it and love it’.

Follow @deepaapte on twitter and visit ayurvedapura.com for more info.