martin hopkins

Martin Hopkins is currently the Senior Sales & Events Executive at Foundation Bar.

With over 6 years of experience in the hospitality, Martin is a creative problem solver with a degree in Design Communication. His industry ranges from operations to sales and marketing and we’ve spoken to Martin to find out how to steal his job!

Name: Martin Hopkins
Job title: Senior Sales & Events Executive
Company: Foundation Bar (Stonegate)

What does your job role entail?

Our main responsibility is to handle the pre-booked element of the bar – this can be anything from organising a birthday all the way up to big corporate events/wrap parties. We put together event proposals and work with brands on activations too. The main responsibility is to ensure the sales of the venue are pushed at all times.

Describe your working day or week?

A typical day starts between 9/10am and it’ll be time to respond to any new enquiries as well as following up anything in progress. Update social media, re-confirm upcoming events to ensure all aspects are confirmed (pre-orders, entertainment, operation sheets etc..) – sometimes there are late nights involved but it’s always rewarding to see your hard work go from concept to completion.

Which key skills do you need to do your job?

I think it’s a case of being very organised, approachable and quick thinking. Sometimes you’re working with a very small brief and need to be able to give clients answers or ideas with very little information.

What made you decide to go for this job role?

I have always been in hospitality, so I think I just naturally fell into the role… I’ve worked on the operational side of things as well as other aspects of hospitality such as marketing

The best part of your job?

People! You meet all kinds of people from every walk of life – you’ll be doing a small birthday party one day and working on Launch Party for a film the next! Plus we get free nights out and discounts across 700 pubs/bars/clubs!

The worst part of your job?

Christmas… Nothing can prepare you for that level of crazy. I genuinely believe this job has changed my love of the month that is December haha.

If I’m choosing a course to study, what type of course suits this job best?

I actually have a degree in design for graphic communication which has assisted in more of the marketing tasks. However, business management/events related courses would be very helpful.

Does work experience really help you to get the dream job?

I think this is super dependant on the industry. I think hospitality is still one of the industries where you can start at the bottom and work your way up – all you need is passion and for the industry and a little patience. You’ll learn the rest as you work your way to your desired role.

Give us a tip on how to steal your job:

Be outgoing, friendly and be prepared to think (cringe, lol) outside the box! Hospitality and leisure are all about creating great experiences for people so keep that at the forefront of everything you do.

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