icandyonlinetv has undergone a bit of a make-over recently and so with the site now looking buff and sexy, what better way to reflect this than with our super new feature section icandy Fitness! Fitness models that not only look gorgeous and sexy, but can flex and help you build a garden wall without moaning that they’re going to break a nail. Launching the section is the super sexy Louise Bee who got herself down to iCandy Studios where we snapped her and importantly, found out more about the girl and how she keeps her body…
Hi Louise, Welcome to Flavour. Firstly, how did you get into fitness modelling?
Well, I love the gym so I started off in the gym. And I love modelling. Combine the two together and you get fitness modelling. I’m also a dancer and I do hip-hop, jazz and lyrical.
Was it a natural progression to get to the physique you have now?
Yeah I mean dancing is very physical so going from dancing to fitness modelling was easy. It goes hand in hand.
Have you taken part in any fitness competitions?
I took part in Miami Pro which is where one of the photographers here today was at. That was my first ever competition and it was just about the experience really. I got one coming up. I’m just gonna literally go full out next year. I’ve got one in 10 weeks so we’ll see how it goes from there.
Can you talk us through your typical fitness regime?
Mine has changed so much. At the moment I’m doing more high repetition, less weights because its more cardio based. It will tone you up but will keep you quite slender. So I’ve just started that. I do a lot of boxing as well. I love boxing.
How about your typical food plan?
Normally it starts off with three poached eggs or some porridge in the morning with some protein. And then it’s pretty much just the basics like salmon, vegetables and chicken with rice. I take some supplements such as vitamins and protein shakes.
Do you have a celebrity model you use as motivation?
I have loads! Mandy Latona definitely. She’s hot.
How do you stay motivated?
You just gotta remember if you love it and you really want it, you will succeed. It is always hard. Everything is always hard in life that you really want. But if you want it bad enough, you will do it.
Where is your favourite place to workout?
Cheaters Gym. It’s in Brighton. But it’s a really good gym. It’s a body building gym so its really hardcore stuff. It’s not your average gym goers so yeah its really intense.
Can you give us three essential tips for us girls to get that summer body?
Drink loads of water. Sweat! And eat good.
Are you single?
Yes. I am very single.
What do you look for in a guy? Do they have to be as fit as you?
Muscles! (laughs) I like tall big guys.
Are men ever intimidated by you?
All the time. They normally don’t approach me and if they do they are really really shy.
OK just some final fun questions. Complete the sentences:
My biggest turn on is… when I listen to music.
My wish is… to succeed in everything I want.
I never leave the house without… my iPod!
My best feature is… hmmm. My eyes.
Thank you Louise. Finally how can people stay in touch?
Follow me on Twitter @lousiebee10 and Facebook: Platinum Angels. Or www.platinumangels.co.uk
Interview by Debbie Cotti.
Photography by Simon Howard at SNHFoto.co.uk Make up by Jux-a-pose Hair styling by Aaron Overton using Davines
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