Back with his brand new single ‘Ride The Storm’, Goldford continues to build that ever-growing connection with fans.

With us all experiencing the unpleasantness of quarantine, GoldFord used isolation to create a meaningful body of new songs, with no outside distractions or interruptions.

He later took those songs into a Los Angeles studio with just two collaborators, the Grammy-nominated production duo Likeminds (John Legend, Ray BLK), and recorded both ‘Dreams of Summertime’ and a second EP that will follow later this year.

We chatted to GoldFord about his upcoming EP ‘Dreams of Summertime’ – out June 4th

We’re loving your new single ‘Ride the Storm’. What inspired it?

Thanks! Thank you for having me! I feel like 2020 brought a ton of dark crusty shit to the surface and forced us to look at it. I certainly felt this personally on so many levels; as an American, as a white male, as a human. I didn’t really love what was revealed. I did get an opportunity to confront, experience and try and understand it. Facing our shit. That’s what inspired Ride the Storm.

Did you find creating music in lockdown frustrating or was it easy to adapt to?

It depends on how I was creating. When I was locked in a studio with my favourite collaborators, I found it to be incredible. There was nowhere to go, nothing else to do. There was no rush. I will always cherish this time for those reasons.

How would you describe your sound?

That’s always been such a hard question for me to answer. I love so many different types of music. I have always felt this pressure, even insecurity around my struggle to provide a clear answer. I write soul music. Sometimes it sounds like singer-songwriter, other times it sounds like pop music. As long as It sounds like me and I mean it, I’m good. 

Your new EP ‘Dreams of Summertime’ is out on June 4th. Is there a track you hope will be a fan favourite and why?

Not really. I would love it if there was no clear favourite and people found themselves fighting and screaming to defending the track they love most.  Kidding aside, these songs came straight from my heart. I hope people feel that in theirs.

Who would be your dream collaboration?

One of two. Danger Mouse or Labrinth. I’d be fine with either. However, both at the same time has a nice ring to it.

As things are starting to return to some normality. Is there one thing you’re most excited to do? Whether it’s touring or something personal?

I am most excited to perform these songs live. They were written with that in mind. I can’t wait to watch them continue to evolve as they are played live.

What’s one thing you’ve learnt about yourself in the last year?

Magic is real and I know a little.

What would be the theme tune to your life?

Lovely Day – Bill Withers

What’s next for you?

Only to tour around the world playing these songs that I love so much for people that I love even more as I eat the most delicious things I can find in the most faraway places.