How did you first get started in fitness?

I started young, I was always active as a kid and loved swimming. At 9 I took up ice skating and competed nationally through my teens. I attended dance collage and that took my fitness training to a whole new level. I then started to attend strength and conditioning classes and really got into using weights and training properly.

As an actress part of your job is too look a certain way do you have to adapt your diet and training for different roles?

Yes, some roles it is necessary to look a little less fit than others. I aim to keep my figure relatively generic, yet fit and healthy. I can’t afford to become too lean and muscular, as it wouldn’t work for certain roles, however, it’s good to be in shape and not too far from either end of the scale. You never know when an audition is coming up, so although you can train and change for a role, given time, you have to consider being “right” for an audition. Therefore, I often surprise people in the gym as they don’t expect me to be able to do even 1 pull-up.

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How do you fit in training with the long days on set?

It is hard sometimes, and it’s a case of work/life balance. I love training, but sometimes I am just too tired, but I love my job, so it’s worth it. I make the effort the train hard between jobs, so if training is forced to take a back seat because of an acting job, I have done the hard work before hand. However, as was the case on a job before Christmas, call times meant getting up at 0400 and leaving set at sundown. However, despite the long days, my boyfriend, who is also my personal trainer was on hand in the hotel to put me through short, sharp sessions like DTP or GVT before eating and sleeping ready for the next day. i didn’t always feel like it, but always felt exhilarated afterwards! I love taking bands and a roll out wheel with me on jobs too, so if I’m stuck without a gym with some time off in a hotel room, i can still train.

What’s your normal training plan consist of for you?

I tend to like to change things up quite a bit anyway, and that’s the way my trainer Sean Lerwill has helped me put a plan together My training tends to involve splits, so I can train 4-6days a week without over-training. i also really enjoy intervals, often Tabata or similar. At the moment I’ve been concentrating on rehabbing a hamstring pull, so have cut back on the intervals a bit. however, it’s been great as we’ve used it as an excuse to make the weights sessions more intense, so I’ve been performing negatives reps on pull-ups and using heavier weights and slow tempos across the whole spectrum of training.

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How do you stick to eating healthy while on shoots and film sets?

This can be really tricky. I find I have two choices: 1. take/buy my own food. This is easier said that done. if on a small, local job, i can take stuff from home. (I do tend to have a case loaded with oatcakes, reflex flapjacks and protein sachets so don’t always have the clothes I need) However, if working abroad and in hotel rooms, it’s a case of asking for the catering to supply healthy options. unfortunately, half the time this is not an option and there just is what there is. This can be pizza and chip, and I end up appearing like a weirdo picking bits and pieces apart and leaving lots on my plate. The plus side, people tend to ask why, and then I get to pass on some of the knowledge I’ve learned and soon enough people want to do the same. Kind of a nice trade off!

What’s a normal days nutrition for you consist of?

I tend to try to eat protein and nuts first thing in the morning, although i do use carb cycling, so this depends on which day I’m on.
Throughout the day I aim to eat protein in the form of chicken, turkey, fish or burgers (my favourite!) with broccoli, cauliflower, kale and avocado.
I’m a fan of sweet potatoes and love sushi, so eat these after training or on high carb days.
I always try to nab a Reflex choc/toffee flapjack or two with me (they are amazing!) to fuel me when the days are long. After training I always have a protein shake and then eat again within an hour of that.
Evening meal is usually a vegetable stir-fry using coconut oil with salmon, tuna, chicken or turkey.
I nearly always have a casein shake before bed, often with around 10-15g of porridge.

What’s your top exercise tip for women?

Don’t be afraid of weights. hours and hours of cardio is likely to slow your metabolism and won’t give you the body you want.

What’s your top nutrition tip for women?

Eat. Simply that. Starving yourself is NOT the way forward. it may seem counter intuitive, and I found it hard at first, but eating 5 – 6 small meals a day, higher protein, lower carbs is the way to go!!

Miss Braithwaite

Photography by Simon Howard