Jenny Wu is an LA fashion lawyer by day, fashion blogger by night living life in the fab lane. Her blog, is a personal narrative that chronicles her personal style, life musings, and penchant for red bean shaved ice.
How did you get into blogging?
I’ve always been passionate about fashion and love creative writing. However, as a fashion lawyer, I didn’t get many opportunities to flex my creative muscles. So I started my blog as an outlet from the rigidity of law.
What makes your blog different from other blogs on the internet?
Although my blog focuses on style and beauty, I incorporate personal narratives into every post so that my readers get to know the blogger behind the blog.
What 3 tips would you give to new bloggers trying to make a name for themselves in the fashion world?
Find your voice, stay true to that voice, and voice it consistently.
And finally finish these sentences:
If I wasn’t blogging I would be… Working 9-5 as a fashion lawyer
If I could change one thing in the world it would be… To end world hunger. Cliched but oh so crucial!
I always try to… Up my game.
I would never say… No to Flaming Hot Cheetos.
My personal style is… Eclectic, feminine, and versatile.
Join Jenny on our LIVE hangout on air on Tuesday October 15th at 6pm here:
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