Amanda Perna who has featured on Project Runway, has launched her own clothing line and is ready to reveal her vision to the world.

What originally inspired you to get started in fashion?
I have always loved fashion.  Growing up my mom who was very into fashion which made me interested.

Where and what did you study?
I studied Apparel Design at The University of Alabama

So have you had any previous experience in the industry?
I started in the industry at Oscar de la Renta. The following year, I obtained an internship at Calvin Klein which led to full time employment as a designer prior to graduating from college.

Can you tell me about your brand, The House of Perna?
The House of Perna is a luxury women’s wear brand.  It is for women who like to stand out in a crowd, appreciates high quality, and values attention to detail.

The House of Perna is an interesting name for a fashion label where did that come from?
I named my brand The House of Perna as homage to everyone who is involved in the endeavour.  I have been blessed with a wonderful support system full of people who have believed in my ability to design.  In college I had a wonderful group of people who helped me with all that I was working on, and they lovingly named themselves “The House of Perna” since they were always at my house.  This is my way of thanking them as well as my family who has been a huge part of making this all happen.

How is your label any different to all the other fashion labels?
The House of Perna is different than other brands mainly because of the fact that it is my personal interpretation of fashion.  It reflects the places I have lived.  It reflects the love of flowing silhouettes and sexiness from my life in Florida, and the sleek, sophistication that I have obtained while living and working in Fashion in NYC.

So your label has just been launch, so you must has be trying to start the label during the economical crisis, did this effect you?
It definitely is a challenge starting a brand in a tough market, but I look at it as an opportunity.  I believe it is an opportunity to provide work to those in need, and to show that we cant let anything ever stop us from following our dreams.

What would you say your break through point has been in your career?
This is a hard question.  Many people would think that it was being on the show Project Runway, but I believe it was the day that one of my teachers at UA emailed me to ask if I would be a mentor for Senior students.  That is when I knew I had done something right.

What would you say is the worst and the best part about working in the fashion industry?
The best part is seeing people on the street, TV, and in stores wearing things that I worked on.  The worst part is getting used to the way some people behave in fashion. I have seen some crazy things.

Has fashion changed your life?
Absolutely! Working in the industry has definitely helped me toughen up.

Have you got any advice for young and budding designers?
Do not ever quit! It is a cut throat, hard industry.  If you love it, then don’t let anyone or anything make you quit.  Also to stay true to the aesthetic of the brand.  Whether you own your own label or work for another company, make sure you know who your customer is, and always design with her in mind.

What does the future hold in store for the, The House of Perna?
We will be launching our e-store shortly along with selling in boutiques.  We hope that someday soon we will be in stores internationally.

Twitter: thehouseofperna