I love my job. In fact, it doesn’t feel like a job and I have to pinch myself sometimes as to how lucky I am to get up every morning looking forward to the day.

I always loved the idea of working in television and being a little bit nosey – it was a no brainer. I often don’t know where the day will take me or end or who I’ll meet. I’ve interviewed a huge variety of people from the Prime Minister to Madonna but sometimes the most inspirational characters are those away from the public eye with their own real stories.

There’s no right or wrong way to get into the industry but here’s a few tips that might help you. 

  • Get as much work experience as you can and make yourself indispensable without getting in the way.
  • Be prepared to work very long hours. The rewards are worth it though.
  • Don’t try and blag it and make mistakes. If you’re unsure about anything ask
  • Try and find a mentor – someone who you respect and look up to give you honest advice.
  • Be informed – read news, watch news. There’s nothing worse than being underprepared.
  • Don’t go to people with problems. Go to them with solutions.
  • Watch your stuff back – you’ll probably be your own biggest critic.
  • Working in television can be hectic. Try to keep calm and organised. A good contacts book is invaluable.
  • The job is as much about being a good listener as well as being able to ask the relevant questions.
  • Slow things down when you’re presenting. It can be hard and I constantly have to remind myself to not to talk too fast especially as I have a regional accent.
  • Don’t forget to thank people. A nice short note or email goes a long way.
  • Most importantly be yourself.

Visit www.janewitherspoon.co.uk and follow Jane on twitter @janeyspoon