Hot off the departure of two Geordie Shore boys Ricci and Dan, MTV have now announced that original member Jay Gardner is to return to the show! Leaving the spray tans behind and swapping them for the hot sunshine in Australia Jay will join his second family for series 6 of the very popular show.

No doubt Jay will settle back into his old routine causing trouble with his best pal Gaz. Former flame Vicky might not be too happy with the decision of Jay taking ex fiancé Riccis place though. We smell drama.

Since leaving the show Jay has fought in MMA competitions and has a video blog for Sky Tyne & Wear.

Jay we be reunited with Charlotte, Vicky, Sophie, Holly, James, Gaz and Scott which will hit your TV screens this summer!

If last series is anything to go by the show will be filled with drink, sex and a ton of drama.  Let us know your thoughts. Should Jay be welcomed back or was it time for another new face?