Jazz Spastiks releases a completely ‘Bananas’ video

UK based heavy hip hop beat-makers The Jazz Spastiks have released a ‘Bananas’  (Unzip a banana) video in preparation for their highly anticipated ‘Scratch and Sniff’ album.

The quirky duo went out on the streets of Scotland dressed as bananas, handing out bananas armed with their greatest weapon – their beat machine.

The debut album is a unique concept as it includes a book that you can literally ’Scratch and Sniff.’

The Jazz Spastiks constantly pushes the musical boundaries as their project aims to bring both your listening and smelling senses simultaneously together as each song on the album is based on a smell. Whether it be a banana, chocolate, spray paint or bubblegum smell, the out-of-this-world concept will definitely take you back to your childhood memories.

Whilst listening to the album you can also follow along with the included book and turn the page when you hear the chimes.

‘Scratch and Sniff’ has an estimated delivery date of September 2017, which will truly grab all of your senses. The lads have started a crowdsourcing project asking for their fans to help them bring their unique project to life.

Pre-Order Now on CD/VINYL/DIGITAL here.


Crowdfunding Page

Bananas Video


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