jcxEveryone’s favourite ‘funny actors’ started out recording hilarious street-based vox pops on YouTube under the banner of Hot Topic. Catch their latest exploits on Sky digital’s Current TV, but for now JcX n Slick want to invite you into their crazy world.

Justin Chinyere and Nicholas Brown, better known as JcX n Slick, are the young entertainers currently making a name for themselves on the comedy circuit. Their unique brand of humour has been performed at the Choice FM Comedy Club, the Catford Theatre, Fairfield Halls, The Jump Off and Kojo’s Comedy Funhouse. They have also had slots on Richard Blackwood’s Choice FM show and Tim Westwood’s Radio 1 show. The pair can also be seen on their popular show Hot Topic, which tours the country asking the viewing public their opinions on various current issues. Currently appearing on sky digital’s Current TV, the talented double act take some time out to sit down and talk with Flavour Magazine.

What would you call yourselves:  actors, comedians, performers or simply entertainers…?
That is the question! Well erm…acting is both of our passions! We do refer to ourselves as entertainers for the most part because we are not restricted to just one thing, we sing, dance, strip – we do all sorts! The JcX n Slick motto is – our aim is to entertain. We would prefer to be referred to as ‘funny actors’.

When did you know you had the ability to make people laugh?
JcX: In school I used to make everyone laugh and because of that I used to get into a lot of trouble with the teachers.
Slick: For me it was a thing where I always did my work, but I would mess around as well. I’ve always been the class clown and I have also kinda always liked taking my clothes off for no reason! It was official that we were funny when we did our first performance at Jump Off – the first comedians in its history to appear by the way!

How did you first get into performing together on stage?

We got into performing after we made our first Hot Topic together on YouTube. It was called – Are Men Too Feminine Nowadays? It went down really well and became a cult classic! (Currently, this YouTube video has 27,000 hits and counting). A few of our friends said that we worked well together and we should carry on so, as they say, – the rest is history. We started out as JcX featuring Slick and then we became JcX n Slick.

What were each of you doing before you teamed up?
JcX: I was working behind the scenes putting on shows and things and doing more presenting. I was also making Hot Topics by myself to begin with.
Slick: Before I was working in Nando’s and had just recently started doing comedy! I did my first set at the Comedy Funhouse.

slickWhy did you decided to team up?

Because we were both bringing something new to the table that didn’t exist before and we would be coming with something that’s not very common in the comedy world, let alone the black circuit!

How would you describe your own brand of comedy?
We would describe it as role play/stand/improv!

What makes you different from all the other comedy acts out there at the moment?
What makes us different is that we are a real duo! Everyone has his or her own style and stuff! We try and avoid the usual things and we add a bit of song to our performance. I think also that we are very good on our toes too – very versatile!

Who are your comedy heroes?
Bernie Mac, Peter Kay, Jack Dee, Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor. There are more people that we admire but we’d be here for days.

Where do you see yourselves career-wise in two years time?

On TV in a hit comedy series or making a big budget film in America!! Either way, we’ll be big.

Would you consider yourselves to be trendsetters?
Kinda yeah, with little catchphrases like ‘Go Team’ and ‘BOOMting’. People like them and use them themselves all the time. As far as I know, a lot of people do the BOOMting dance in their houses!


Words by Karla Williams