Jessie-JfeaturedWith a number of celebrities bravely admitting their bi-sexuality, a number have also shown their commitment to anti-bullying campaigns, including Daniel Radcliffe who showed his support during Anti-Bullying week last November.

Pop sensation Jessie J has always been open about her bi-sexuality and appears committed to stamping out bullying, even hinting at it in the track ‘Who’s laughing now’ featured on her ‘Who are you’ album.

Jessie J admitted to The Sun newspaper last March that she was teased at school because of medication she took for a heart condition, so it would appear that the singer is no stranger to classroom bullies.

According to the star, who rose to fame with the hit ‘Do it like a dude’, her first experience with a girl was at the age of 17. Other celebrities to be open about their bi-sexuality include Lindsay Lohan and Drew Barrymore.

Homophobic bullying still remains a problem in society today with the number of teenage suicides, due to regular homophobic abuse, still increasing.

15-year-old Dominic Crouch hit headlines last May after jumping from a roof near his Cheltenham school to end his life and the homophobic bullying he had suffered.

Despite the ‘Price tag’ singer admitting that she has received hundreds of letters from fans asking for advice on sexuality, it would appear that the star and other bisexual celebrities have a long way to go to stamp out homophobic bullying for good.

Words by Cher Heasmer



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